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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 6, 2008
I just updated to 2.1, unlocked, and decided not to install Cydia. I forgot that I need the T-Zones hack for T-Zones to work and now I'm screwed.

Is there a way to get T-Zones to work without Cydia?

Or is there a way to install Cydia back on? Although I don't feel like unlocking my phone again.
I just updated to 2.1, unlocked, and decided not to install Cydia. I forgot that I need the T-Zones hack for T-Zones to work and now I'm screwed.

Is there a way to get T-Zones to work without Cydia?

Or is there a way to install Cydia back on? Although I don't feel like unlocking my phone again.

QuickPwn. That's the onl way that I know of to get Cydia back on, without restoring. Not too sure, somebody else might have a different answer.
you no longer need the t-zones proxy hack...

Once the phone is unlocked navigate to the Settings icon, select General then select Network and finally Cellular Data Network.

In the APN settings enter and restart your phone. Once you restart your phone just open up the Safari web browser (or any other internet enabled application) and viola - instant connectivity!
wow thanks.. it really works.. my question is.. i didn't apply for t-zones service.. but it still works.. is there any hidden charge fee for this?
wow thanks.. it really works.. my question is.. i didn't apply for t-zones service.. but it still works.. is there any hidden charge fee for this?

if I were you I would call and add tzones just in case. It's only $5.99 and worth it to not risk being charged.
yeah.. i think i'll add it later.. anyone else without t-zones notice anything to their bill using this method?
you no longer need the t-zones proxy hack...

Once the phone is unlocked navigate to the Settings icon, select General then select Network and finally Cellular Data Network.

In the APN settings enter and restart your phone. Once you restart your phone just open up the Safari web browser (or any other internet enabled application) and viola - instant connectivity!

Just added the tzone to my plan and did as you suggested.. I believe its working. It should have the edge icon right?
you no longer need the t-zones proxy hack...

Once the phone is unlocked navigate to the Settings icon, select General then select Network and finally Cellular Data Network.

In the APN settings enter and restart your phone. Once you restart your phone just open up the Safari web browser (or any other internet enabled application) and viola - instant connectivity!

Will this work with a 2nd Gen iPhone? Since it cannot be unlocked, I am having a friend connect mine with T-Mobile by using the Turbo-SIM card and I am not familiar with this method. Will your method work this way too?
you no longer need the t-zones proxy hack...

Once the phone is unlocked navigate to the Settings icon, select General then select Network and finally Cellular Data Network.

In the APN settings enter and restart your phone. Once you restart your phone just open up the Safari web browser (or any other internet enabled application) and viola - instant connectivity!

THANKS! This is awesome! I downgraded from the $20/month plan to the $6/month one. I no longer need T-Mobile at Starbucks as they are also AT&T as well and I have access to that since I have AT&T DSL at home.

1000 minutes with unlimited nights/weekends, EDGE Data, and 500 Texts for $51/month - keeping T-Mobile! :D (especially with the way the economy is going).
It worked!

Will this work with a 2nd Gen iPhone? Since it cannot be unlocked, I am having a friend connect mine with T-Mobile by using the Turbo-SIM card and I am not familiar with this method. Will your method work this way too?

just an FYI. I tried it on my 2nd generation iPhone and it worked perfectly. You are a lifesaver!
Thanks for this!! I used it on my 2.0.1 2G phone, and my friend's 1.1.4 2G phone, it worked great! And I think the connection is actually faster than it was with the hack.
Is this still working for everyone?

I can't seem to connect to the free data plan anymore. Did t-mobile finally catch on?
I can't seem to connect to the free data plan anymore. Did t-mobile finally catch on?
I just set as mentioned by macrlz9. Then I tried the Weather and Maps apps - they both worked.

Interestingly, I also had EDGE working a few days ago with as mentioned here, and here, and here. Between then and now, it stopped working (?).

And this is really interesting: Since Boss Prefs shows the numeric name of the EDGE server, I ran a SmartWhoIs from all-NETTOOLS out of curiosity.
While APN was set as, I noted two different values: and
While APN was set as, I saw two different values: and

All four of them returned the same result:

I have no real idea what this DINSA is; googling only revealed a couple of relevant hits that said the same, minimal thing. I just find it all very curious.
macrlz9, Thank you!!! I had Tzones on my phone for about 8 months and have gone the past two months on nothing but wifi when I"m in a wifi spot. I just input the new APN and it worked instantly! Thank you!!
noob question..

sorry to ask but.... when you say "In the APN settings enter and restart your phone. Once you restart your phone just open up the Safari web browser (or any other internet enabled application) and viola - instant connectivity!"
"restart your phone" meaning hold home and off? or just off and on? and will holding on and off together erase my phone of all its components? thanks
Hold the power button untill it sayd "slide to turn off" then turn it off and turn it back on


Hold the home and power buttons for around 6-8 seconds and the phone will restart

I dunno which one he meant but either way should work and no you wont lose any data if you restart your phone :rolleyes:
Hey. I have a few questions. Can the t-zones be added to any plan? If I sign up for the 29.99 voice plan. add a text plan. can I just call up and add t-zones? Do I need to have certain phone for them to do it?

Just trying to find the cheapest option, until I switch to ATT.

Oh, and also, is there something for t-mobile, where its only text/data, and very little voice?

Thanks in advance!
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