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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 4, 2007
Guys, you've never let me down before, and this is a big one. I recently purchased a new MBP to replace my five year old machine. Once I had everything I wanted (I thought) transferred off my old MBP, I reformatted the HD and did a clean install of Mountain Lion (I will be giving the old machine to my administrative assistant for use in the office). So far, so good.

But then I realized that all of my emails are not saved on the net, but downloaded to various local folders (or they were) on my old MBP. I've recovered the occasional lost message before using Time Machine. But now of course, I'm having to browse TM from the new computer. I just need to be able to show my ~/library folder so that I can find the messages saved in the (Or if there's a better way, please let me know).

I found the Terminal command to show the library on the HDD, but it of course had no effect on the Time Machine disk. I don't know enough about Terminal to figure out the path I need to make it show the Library Folder.

If anyone has any insight, you'll be saving my butt; I'm an attorney, and some of these emails are rather important. :eek:
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 4, 2007
I figured it out (by searching the web for a more indirect route): defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

killall Finder

Now to see if I can figure out where in all this mess the mail files I need are.

The files are *in* the computer?? :D


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
i had a similar challenge, want access to the user library on my backup drive (am NOT using TM tho).

i ran "invisibility toggler" (there are several apps that do this); ran it, saw all hidden files; clicked on the user library on my backup drive, made an alias...which i keep on the topmost level of that drive.

ran invisibility toggler again to hide invisible files...and now have an alias to my (backed-up) user lib, for anytime i need access...
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Apr 17, 2005
Currently in Switzerland
Guys, you've never let me down before, and this is a big one. I recently purchased a new MBP to replace my five year old machine. Once I had everything I wanted (I thought) transferred off my old MBP, I reformatted the HD and did a clean install of Mountain Lion (I will be giving the old machine to my administrative assistant for use in the office). So far, so good.

But then I realized that all of my emails are not saved on the net, but downloaded to various local folders (or they were) on my old MBP. I've recovered the occasional lost message before using Time Machine. But now of course, I'm having to browse TM from the new computer. I just need to be able to show my ~/library folder so that I can find the messages saved in the (Or if there's a better way, please let me know).

I found the Terminal command to show the library on the HDD, but it of course had no effect on the Time Machine disk. I don't know enough about Terminal to figure out the path I need to make it show the Library Folder.

If anyone has any insight, you'll be saving my butt; I'm an attorney, and some of these emails are rather important. :eek:

Did you try pressing option when selecting the folder under TM's "finder"?

p.s.: Nevermind, the above doesn't work.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 30, 2004
I figured it out (by searching the web for a more indirect route): defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

killall Finder

Now to see if I can figure out where in all this mess the mail files I need are.

The files are *in* the computer?? :D

I don't think you'd want that. There are files and folders that you will never need to see or deal with.

What you really want is do this:

chflags nohidden ~/Library/



macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 4, 2007
Thanks, all! I found the mailboxes, and pulled them out. The messages are a little jumbled together, but I'll eventually get them organized. :)


macrumors newbie
Feb 12, 2013
i had a similar challenge, want access to the user library on my backup drive (am NOT using TM tho).

i ran "invisibility toggler" (there are several apps that do this); ran it, saw all hidden files; clicked on the user library on my backup drive, made an alias...which i keep on the topmost level of that drive.

ran invisibility toggler again to hide invisible files...and now have an alias to my (backed-up) user lib, for anytime i need access...

Thanks for posting this fisherking. This worked perfectly for me, and allowed me to transfer a bunch of essential things to my new hard drive from TM.
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