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Original poster
Feb 24, 2010
Hi guys

I downloaded a bunch of podcasts that I really want to save, so I converted them into audiobooks in iTunes.
The problem is that they're named like this: day-month-year.
In iTunes they show up alphabetically, I guess, and so iTunes wants to play all the episodes that were broadcast on the first of a month, they begin with 01, first and then all the ones from the second of the month and so on. I of course need them to play chronologically.

No matter what I do, I can't change the order. Do I really have to rename them one by one?

Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
Any reason why you don't want to use the save feature in the podcasts section? It works fine. I even have audio in there I imported manually.

In the Audiobooks section:

Select them all, go into Get Info, group them into one title so they all appear under the same "book" and then go back and one by one use the Track _ of _ field and type in a number that corresponds to where you want them to show up in the list.


Original poster
Feb 24, 2010
Any reason why you don't want to use the save feature in the podcasts section? It works fine. I even have audio in there I imported manually.

In the Audiobooks section:

Select them all, go into Get Info, group them into one title so they all appear under the same "book" and then go back and one by one use the Track _ of _ field and type in a number that corresponds to where you want them to show up in the list.

Unfortunately only the last 100 are podcast. The rest are normal downloads. But I could of course just try and make them into podcasts and save them there. I just don't want to risk them being auto-deleted when listened to.

Yes, I thought about the track_of field, but then I still have to do it one by one :(


Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
If you're on a Mac, this works under iTunes 12.5:

Drag them into a regular playlist, change the view from Playlist to List, right-click on one of the Name, Album, Year, Artist, whatever headings, and check Release Date, and then click on that heading to sort them.

Select them all, open the Increment Number Tags script from the AppleScript icon between Window and Help, check Track Number under "Apply to", click OK, and it'll number them.


Original poster
Feb 24, 2010
If you're on a Mac, this works under iTunes 12.5:

Drag them into a regular playlist, change the view from Playlist to List, right-click on one of the Name, Album, Year, Artist, whatever headings, and check Release Date, and then click on that heading to sort them.

Select them all, open the Increment Number Tags script from the AppleScript icon between Window and Help, check Track Number under "Apply to", click OK, and it'll number them.

Wow, I'll try that as soon as possible! Thanks!
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