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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 28, 2009
how do I permanently delete apps from my iphone?
Every time I tried to reinstall an app that I have deleted from iphone and through my itunes I still keep getting the message " You have already purchased this item. To download it again for free, select OK." How come my iphone still remembers the app?, and how do I manage to delete it in such a way that when I want to reinstall the app I will not get this message again?. I was using a trail period app, and my time had run I wanted to a fresh reinstall from my iphone to use it again like new, but no matter how I try to delete the apps my phone keeps remembering the app?!!!!!. There is also a few other free apps with out the trial period I would like to reinstall fresh again with out this dumb ass message!. How do I get around this?.

many thanks to anyone that can assist me on this problem
how do I permanently delete apps from my iphone?
Every time I tried to reinstall an app that I have deleted from iphone and through my itunes I still keep getting the message " You have already purchased this item. To download it again for free, select OK." How come my iphone still remembers the app?, and how do I manage to delete it in such a way that when I want to reinstall the app I will not get this message again?. I was using a trail period app, and my time had run I wanted to a fresh reinstall from my iphone to use it again like new, but no matter how I try to delete the apps my phone keeps remembering the app?!!!!!. There is also a few other free apps with out the trial period I would like to reinstall fresh again with out this dumb ass message!. How do I get around this?.

many thanks to anyone that can assist me on this problem

All of your purchases are stored in your iTunes history, which you cannot edit (after all, Apple needs to have a history of people's purchases so that users don't con them into giving them free albums/apps/videos by lying and saying "I purchased this but it never downloaded!"). It's not the iPhone 'remembering' you purchased it, it's the iTunes Store telling the iPhone you've already purchased it. There's nothing you can do about it using that iTunes account.
I highly doubt Apple is going to help you circumvent trial periods of software. Apps with trials are generally full-featured, but time limited so that you can figure out if you want to buy it or not by using the full program for a short period of time. When the time is up, you buy or you don't. If you keep using the trial by trickery, you're basically just stealing the program.

That would all be relevant if Apple provided for trial software. I wish they did, but they don't.
Yeah, once you buy a app your account will remember it no matter how many device you have hooked up to that account, which is a good thing :D ( well unless your try to do something wrong :eek:)
re-install itunes

First of all , a big thanks to all of you that have made the time to help me out on this matter :)

So basically I have to reinstall itunes and create a new account to re-download the same programs on my iphone with out having that message come up again?. It's just odd that when you delete the program from itunes and iphone, you still get that message come up even after you disconnect the iphone from itunes and re-install the app from the iphone (not itunes) the phone must still have that information tucked in there somewhere for that to still do that?.

The apps have been free (apart from one, that was the trial period one). I delete the the apps after a while if I get bored with them, then re-install them after a while...but every time I do that I get that message come up..and even more bizarre some of the apps still remember your previous information or profiles, even after deleting them from the iphone and itunes?!!!!!!!!.
when you buy something and download it in iTunes (song, app, etc.) your purchase is recorded. This prevents you from downloading something (accidentally or not) that you have already purchased.

Your iPhone does not remember the app, it is recorded in your purchase history. It's not possible to delete anything from your iTunes purchase history.

Also, it is allowing you to download a new copy of the free apps. It won't have anything from the previous versions that you installed. This is a mechanism that is in place to that you can't circumvent DRM, but in this case it doesn't really apply.
First of all , a big thanks to all of you that have made the time to help me out on this matter :)

So basically I have to reinstall itunes and create a new account to re-download the same programs on my iphone with out having that message come up again?. It's just odd that when you delete the program from itunes and iphone, you still get that message come up even after you disconnect the iphone from itunes and re-install the app from the iphone (not itunes) the phone must still have that information tucked in there somewhere for that to still do that?.

The apps have been free (apart from one, that was the trial period one). I delete the the apps after a while if I get bored with them, then re-install them after a while...but every time I do that I get that message come up..and even more bizarre some of the apps still remember your previous information or profiles, even after deleting them from the iphone and itunes?!!!!!!!!.

Again, it doesn't have anything to do with the whatever hardware you are using it on (iPhone or iPod Touch). It has to do with your iTunes account. I have an iPhone and two iPod Touches (GF and GF sister) on my account. If they download something then I go to download it too I will get the same message.

If you need the app that bad, just buy it! Don't know which one it is but very few are very expensive.

Actually the main one is free, but it always seems to remember my previous profile information when I install it again (after deleting it from itunes and iphone) which makes me wonder how that app still remembers my previous profile and information when I restart it again?. I take it the company that makes the app is told when there program is reinstalled to the same phone again, and when that happens i get my old profile back again. To me you can always reinstall on the mac software, as long as you know how to delete the hidden files. But even when you reinstall the software on the mac, that software never remembers your previous profile or account information, so to me its frustraiting when I am trying to do the same thing with the iphone.
Actually the main one is free, but it always seems to remember my previous profile information when I install it again (after deleting it from itunes and iphone) which makes me wonder how that app still remembers my previous profile and information when I restart it again?. I take it the company that makes the app is told when there program is reinstalled to the same phone again, and when that happens i get my old profile back again. To me you can always reinstall on the mac software, as long as you know how to delete the hidden files. But even when you reinstall the software on the mac, that software never remembers your previous profile or account information, so to me its frustraiting when I am trying to do the same thing with the iphone.

This app isn't Aurora Feint, is it? That app makes you register with an email address when you first start it, then it takes your device's UDID (unique device ID), and fixes it to that email address. Then if you delete and reinstall the app and try to use a different email address to register, it doesn't let you! Very annoying. If it's another app, they're probably using a similar scheme to keep your UDID and dataset in their database and then sending back the saved dataset to your device when you reinstall it.
Night Spring

Thanks for the info Night Spring, this sounds just what maybe could be happening,...but my email address is different on my itunes to when I give out my other email address to downloading some of the apps. This whole thing sounds very tedious, just like trying to re-download photoshop lol. There is something very odd going on between the app companies and iphone for them to remember your previous accounts, one of the apps I am on about is called "whoshere" ...I know I am boring the hell out of most of the people in here, but to me it all seems a little bit odd how itunes, iphone and the app companies work together to record such information regardless if you totally delete everything, or give out new email addresses to try to get around it. There must be people out there who are just as curious as me to wanting to know deep down how all of this is really working?. No one likes to be blind to the basics of how there computer works, or how a program works, but from what I am experiencing...this is sooo odd!.
Thanks for the info Night Spring, this sounds just what maybe could be happening,...but my email address is different on my itunes to when I give out my other email address to downloading some of the apps. This whole thing sounds very tedious, just like trying to re-download photoshop lol. There is something very odd going on between the app companies and iphone for them to remember your previous accounts, one of the apps I am on about is called "whoshere"

Doesn't matter if you give them an email address or not, if you give them *any* information, then they can tie that data to your device's UDID.

I checked out whoshere, and did you try this?

I would like to stop using WhosHere. How can I remove my information?

First, we are sorry to loose you. We'd be grateful if you sent us feedback via the app (click Setup > Feedback) on why you are leaving.

It is quite easy to remove your profile from the system. Please remove your info from your profile and click Save on the main My Profile screen. Go to WhosHere > Near and click sign-off. Within a minute your account will be removed from all results we serve and you will be blank to anyone that you have chatted with in the past. Then just delete the app from your iPhone.


If that doesn't let you set up a new profile, I'd write their customer support and tell them you bought your iphone from someone else / a family member gave you one they're no longer using and you want to set it up with your own profile but it keeps reverting to that of the previous owner, can they fix it?
device's UDID (unique device ID)

So like anything you can always change the configuration maybe?..or jailbreak it maybe?... so you can reinstall a new iphone software?, like they do when they re-sale pre owned iphones in cell phone shops?, there must be a way to dive deep in to the iphone (like the mac) to reprogram or change the device's UDID (unique device ID)?
So like anything you can always change the configuration maybe?..or jailbreak it maybe?... so you can reinstall a new iphone software?, like they do when they re-sale pre owned iphones in cell phone shops?, there must be a way to dive deep in to the iphone (like the mac) to reprogram or change the device's UDID (unique device ID)?

Nope, sorry. As far as I know, UDID is hard-wired into your iphone. It wouldn't be *unique* if you could change it.
Night Spring

Your an absolute every one else in here that has made an effort in helping me out on this matter, I THANK EVERYONE ON THIS POSTING...long live the mac users; thanks again :)

I will try doing that, emailing them saying it's under a new owner lol.

Thanks again Night Star, I hope we talk again soon on this site :)
Night Star..again

Shame I can not private message you, I have a lot more questions to ask, at it sounds like you have the same interests in what I am talking about.
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