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April Dancer

macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 11, 2006
Surrey, UK
I've just got home with my brand spanking new Black MacBook and have transferred all my files and settings via Firewire as prompted. Great, everything is where it should be (although I have to admit it does take a little of the fun out of having a brand new compter). But, it's telling me that I only have 29GB hard disk space left, which is exactly what was left on my 60GB iBook.

Allowing for standard stuff in the new Mac that I would have removed from the iBook, I surely should have near enough a 20GB head start? I can't see any way to clear it...

Confused, but loving it! :)
Did you move applications over? Apple ones are on the computer already in UB form.

My Black MacBook came with more software than the last iBook I had (rev. a g4). Also, the SW is UB, which requires more space. Remember, the MB comes with iLife 06, which needs more space than 05. (iWeb alone is 307MB.)

If space is important to you, you can delete extra languages and printer drivers. Other than that, I'm not sure what to say.

EDIT: After reading your post again, all I can say is to make sure you don't have duplicate apps. The few extra apps won't make a 20GB difference.
I reformatted my hard drive when I got my new iMac. Most people suggest removing iLife applications and languages. All of my files, including OS X, iLife, and the languages; only add up to 24 GB.
Use WhatSize or OmniDisksweeper to see which directories are taking up the most space.
Thanks, I'll check those out. I was expecting to see loads of space and I'm no better off yet! But I'm having a good time playing around with all the new toys :D
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