I was looking for a certain feature length movie.
I searched for "quest for the spear" on the TV app on macOS Catalina and found nothing - see the first screenshot below.
I searched for "quest for the spear" on the iTunes Store app on iOS 13.3 and found the movie I was looking for - see the second screenshot below.
So, am I to assume that the content in the TV app is different from the content in the iTunes Store app? Can someone else do this search on macOS and iOS and confirm my findings?
Screenshot 1 (macOS Catalina 10.15.2, 2019 MacBook Air)

Screenshot 2 (iOS 13.3, iPhone XR)

I searched for "quest for the spear" on the TV app on macOS Catalina and found nothing - see the first screenshot below.
I searched for "quest for the spear" on the iTunes Store app on iOS 13.3 and found the movie I was looking for - see the second screenshot below.
So, am I to assume that the content in the TV app is different from the content in the iTunes Store app? Can someone else do this search on macOS and iOS and confirm my findings?
Screenshot 1 (macOS Catalina 10.15.2, 2019 MacBook Air)

Screenshot 2 (iOS 13.3, iPhone XR)