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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 28, 2010
New York
I was able to set up my twitter account but cant seem to find a way to set up or sign into my Facebook account. Anyone? TIA :eek:
This is the one part of the upgrade i don't understand. It wasn't shown off at WWDC this year or any builds of mountain lion released prior (correct me if im wrong on that last part) and like a day or two later, Apple updated that website to show that facebook integration would be a part of mountain the fall. I would imagine the update for this will drop around the same time iOS 6 launches but still, its a very strange way of announcing this feature
This is the one part of the upgrade i don't understand. It wasn't shown off at WWDC this year or any builds of mountain lion released prior (correct me if im wrong on that last part) and like a day or two later, Apple updated that website to show that facebook integration would be a part of mountain the fall. I would imagine the update for this will drop around the same time iOS 6 launches but still, its a very strange way of announcing this feature

its said "coming this fall" for facebook intergration sice the WWDC event
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