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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 23, 2016
I own an iPhone 6s it is the first iPhone I've owned. I was previously using windows phone and I could stream music I owned from onedrive to groove player and listen to it there. I could still use groove to do this on iPhone but it doesn't work that well. What other options do I have? Can I put music in icloud and stream it to the iPhone that way? I only have the 16gb iPhone so I really don't have the space to have the music locally.

Please don't tell me to just use apple music, I listen to mostly Japanese music that isn't available from a streaming service.



macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 23, 2016
Oh I see Itunes match that seems good. Says it is 24.99 a year, but how many gigabytes of music does that allow me to have? Also do you know if it takes Flac files?
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