I know this has been addressed in similar threads, but of course I can't seem to find what I'm looking for now. I want to rip my dvd collection to an external HD, still be able to see the album artwork or list of my collection in ITunes and be able to stream to my ATV. I'm guessing I can just export my collection that is currently on my IMac in ITunes and there's some setting I have to change in Preferences in Itunes but I don't want to export everything before I know for sure and screw something up. Can somebody help me w/ the steps? Thanks in advance!
This is exactly what I do. Keep in mind you need to have itunes up and running for it to work on the ATV.
Simply move all of your itunes library to your external drive (keep in on your mac in the meantime, just in case there's a problem with the transfer)
Then in preferences, under advanced, point your itunes to the new itunes music folder you just copied to your external harddrive.
In Itunes, select all, and delete everything. do NOT choose to trash, you just want to remove from itunes, not your computer.
Then under File in Itunes, choose add folder, point itunes to the folder you just created on your external drive. Itunes will then repopulate all your songs, movies, tvshows...etc...
...then, and only then, delete your itunes off your mac if everything is working ok (and you need the space on your mac).