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macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 6, 2013
Charlotte, NC
I got my wife a new iPhone 6 and restored everything from iCloud backup. The music wasn't transfered. The music is songs/albums that I had previously ripped from CDs, then synced to her 4S.

I tryed using iTunes in my Mac and syncing from my computer to her new phone, but it sat there for an hour with a messege saying waiting to start. I tried everyting and it wouldn't sync.

I turned on family sharing and it would only see songs purchased on iTunes, so that didn't work.

I finally purchased a $40 application called AnyTrans which copied it all really quick, but now there is no Album Art.

I need to either start over again, or figure out how to get the album art. I'd prefer to just load the album art somehow.

Can someone please tell me how to do this?
Hi, do you mean you lose album art on these songs? and are these songs still on your computer, a mac or a windows?
The songs were on an iPhone 4S and transfered to an iPhone 6. The new iPhone 6 wouldn't sync using iTunes on my Mac so I purchased a 3rd party application called AnyTrans and it copied all the so songs for me but it didn't copy the Music/Album artwork. There has to be a better way when upgrading phones.
i found a video about transferring data between iPhone, android and nokia, you can search his youtube channel "" to have a try.

But if you only want to get these Album artwork, just send me a messages to my twitter (on My page)
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