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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 4, 2004
South Eastern MA
I decided I like Safari better than Internet Explorer. It's easier and more powerful. Can anyone tell my how to move all of my favorites? Thanks
Well I don't know bout Safari, but FireFox by default imports them into a folder in bookmarks called "Imported IE Favorites"...hope someone else knows how to do it in Safari.
Download Tinker Tool (From or Versiontracker)
Access the Safari Pane
Turn on Debug Menu
open Safari
Click Debug -> Reimport IE Favorites


Reverse the process to remove the Debug menu, however I have found it helpful, especially to pay credit card bills, where websites read Safari as Mozilla/Netscape 5.0 (Netscape 6), I just change the Default Handler to MSIE 6.0 and keep on trucking.

safari imports IE favorites automatically the first time you launch it. if you need to re-import them, the easiest way is to copy
defaults write IEFavoritesWereImported No
into a terminal window and hit enter
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