Just got my new MB last week. It's my first Mac, and I love it.
One thing I miss about my PC is the ctrl+tab command, allowing you to switch windows. I know apple+tab will switch programs, but is there a way to switch windows? I do a lot of browsing that requires me to keep multiple windows open (I'm not a huge fan of tabs) and I'm looking for a quick way to switch from one Safari window to another. Is there a way to do that? Or even a quick way to switch between tabs? I might start using them if this option was available...
One thing I miss about my PC is the ctrl+tab command, allowing you to switch windows. I know apple+tab will switch programs, but is there a way to switch windows? I do a lot of browsing that requires me to keep multiple windows open (I'm not a huge fan of tabs) and I'm looking for a quick way to switch from one Safari window to another. Is there a way to do that? Or even a quick way to switch between tabs? I might start using them if this option was available...