I'm just wondering how people crack iPhone apps? I don't want to do this, but Im just wondering how?
I'm just wondering how people crack iPhone apps? I don't want to do this, but Im just wondering how?
i bet $1000 that this thread will be wastelanded in the next 5 minutes
we don't talk of piracy on these forums...arrgh!!!![]()
Supposedly strips the drm and makes a drm free copy of the app. I have no idea how it does it on a technical level and also when the drm is applied to submitted apps (at Apple's approval process?).
I recant my sarcasm, being a developer and having your work cracked has got to suck. I guess on one level you should be happy that it was an "worthy" enough app to be cracked. Here is to hoping the people who get the cracked version and like it, go ahead and buy it.
At leas that's what my sister says she does with her cracked apps, buying the ones that she decides to keep.
Good luck!
cracked apps tend to be more buggy. I would think most people dl a cracked app then get tried of the bugs. If they like the app they buy it, if not they remove it.
that isn't really the case...unless whoever cracked it is a n00b
I've tried a lot of certain kinds of apps out before finding the one that suited my needs best, although I could've avoided all that by reading reviews on sites carefully, I kind of went app crazy. I bought every single app, spent a bit, but I don't see why it's necessary to crack 'em to try them out, Google's your friend.
Personally, I like supporting developers that make decent apps, and all but one of the apps I bought were very decent apps (evil app deleted, duplicated, and rearranged contact info both in Gmail and on my iPhone, massive mess). Money means developers are more likely to put in time in upgrading their apps.
EDIT: The thread title is funny, it's kind of like asking how people kill their wives without getting caught.