Excuse the apparent fact that I'm not knowledgeable on this topic. I thought it'd be fair to expect the same viewing experience from the two devices, but they appear very different to me regarding how dark black areas get and bloom or reflectivity. Even while both screens are off, you can easily make out the black bezels of the iPad, while on the MacBook, they're difficult to see. Using a black background on the mac practically makes its bezels invisible.
Does this difference have to do with the depth of the iPad's touch screen, or perhaps a different coating that plays differently with light? Also, what are the reasons causing the iPad's screen to show significantly more blooming, despite having a higher LED density? Are thermals a factor here? I'd like to understand how the hardware was seemingly improved on the MacBook and whether those improvements would carry over to next-gen iPads, or is it just an inherent quality of the iPad screen?
Thank you!
Does this difference have to do with the depth of the iPad's touch screen, or perhaps a different coating that plays differently with light? Also, what are the reasons causing the iPad's screen to show significantly more blooming, despite having a higher LED density? Are thermals a factor here? I'd like to understand how the hardware was seemingly improved on the MacBook and whether those improvements would carry over to next-gen iPads, or is it just an inherent quality of the iPad screen?
Thank you!
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