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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 20, 2014
DL the GM, and I cant seem to get it working..

iphone 6.

Doesnt work. I press and hold, the phone just recognizes the push, but nothing comes up.
#2 was the issue.

Thank you sir.

Will the end user see the animaiton if they are NOT on os10? (say, shooting star message)
Your issue is one of two things.

1: the feature is for iMessage only and will not work on normal texts.

2: the feature does not work with Reduce Motion enabled.

Are you kidding me? Reduce Motion is the one thing that makes iOS almost usable. I hate the slow dragged out motion transitions. Ugh. I jailbreak for the sole purpose of using a tweak called NoSlowAnimations, which speeds up everything. It's amazing how if you speed up transitions how it feels like the device operates 10x faster.
Are you kidding me? Reduce Motion is the one thing that makes iOS almost usable. I hate the slow dragged out motion transitions. Ugh. I jailbreak for the sole purpose of using a tweak called NoSlowAnimations, which speeds up everything. It's amazing how if you speed up transitions how it feels like the device operates 10x faster.

Reduce Motion is an option solely for the purpose of medical reasons. Some people can get vertigo and whatnot from certain animations (that's why it's an accessibility option and not elsewhere)

It is not a "I dislike Apple's animations and want my phone to "feel" faster" option. Only the nitpicky have made it that.
You say nitpicky, I say wanting choice\option\not to be told how to live my life.

May I suggest an alternate brand of phone?

As an aside, it's pretty rubbish I have to come to a webforum to work out why the new message effects have stopped working. There really should be a line of text on the reduce motion option stating turning it off nukes some of the newer features.
May I suggest an alternate brand of phone?

As an aside, it's pretty rubbish I have to come to a webforum to work out why the new message effects have stopped working. There really should be a line of text on the reduce motion option stating turning it off nukes some of the newer features.

In your own words, "May I suggest an alternate brand of phone?"

Grow up.
Sorry, but its not being nitpicky. Some of the motions on the phone are "disney" like, so to speak. I get the reason Apple wants to do it, but it's not perfect
Sorry, but its not being nitpicky. Some of the motions on the phone are "disney" like, so to speak. I get the reason Apple wants to do it, but it's not perfect

It baffles me when people on here reply to opinions like ours as "nitpicky" or dismiss them saying "why don't you get a different brand phone" .... that's such a horrible way to be a consumer.. to just sit back and take whatever the company throws at you. It's undoubtedly why Apple makes so many complacent decisions, like releasing essentially the same iPhone 3 years in a row.

A company is only as innovative as its leader and\or its customers demand. Apple's leadership is neither demanding nor perfectionists, so it's not being driven from that aspect. So the customers need to hold Apple responsible to keep them innovating. But when you have the (I hate to use the word) iSheep that just blindly defend the good, the bad, and the ugly that comes from Apple, you're not exactly driving them to change. You'd think iPhone's all-time-low global marketshare would be enough motivation, but nope.
It baffles me when people on here reply to opinions like ours as "nitpicky" or dismiss them saying "why don't you get a different brand phone" .... that's such a horrible way to be a consumer.. to just sit back and take whatever the company throws at you. It's undoubtedly why Apple makes so many complacent decisions, like releasing essentially the same iPhone 3 years in a row.

A company is only as innovative as its leader and\or its customers demand. Apple's leadership is neither demanding nor perfectionists, so it's not being driven from that aspect. So the customers need to hold Apple responsible to keep them innovating. But when you have the (I hate to use the word) iSheep that just blindly defend the good, the bad, and the ugly that comes from Apple, you're not exactly driving them to change. You'd think iPhone's all-time-low global marketshare would be enough motivation, but nope.
I do agree that as consumers, we should voice our concerns. But you mentioned that you feel as though you're being forced to use use a product a certain way, and that's not true at all; nobody "forced" you to purchase an iPhone. A sense of entitlement to certain features doesn't make sense when you're the one who voted with your wallet. It's like buying an Android phone and saying you're being forced to use the Play store instead of the App Store. I think that's the point Barrierfreeman was trying to make.

Going around telling everybody to "grow up" isn't going to give you internet points around here, by the way.
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I do agree that as consumers, we should voice our concerns. But you mentioned that you feel as though you're being forced to use use a product a certain way, and that's not true at all; nobody "forced" you to purchase an iPhone. A sense of entitlement to certain features doesn't make sense when you're the one who voted with your wallet. It's like buying an Android phone and saying you're being forced to use the Play store instead of the App Store. I think that's the point Barrierfreeman was trying to make.

Going around telling everybody to "grow up" isn't going to give you internet points around here, by the way.

The issue comes down to the industry really is becoming a duopoly... so the companies aren't really forced to innovate like they once did. Apple holds a much smaller piece of the pie, so you'd think they'd be at the forefront of innovation... this iPhone 6.5S+ os nothing more than a mid-year model spec bump. First time they've ever stagnated since the launch of iPhone.

Anyhow, maybe this whole headphone thing was just a media stunt... if so, it worked... every site has stories about the sky falling cause of no more headphone jack.
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