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I use my iPad (instead of my Mac/PC)...

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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 18, 2008
Time-wise and function-wise.

Making a poll to see how peoples' habits have changed. There have been individual threads popping up mentioning how people use their iPad more, but it'd be cool to know how MUCH of the time the iPad is used.
Voted for 70%. Should have probably voted for 80%.

Since getting my iPad, it's essentially all I use. I only turn to my Mac for iPad maintenance, Photoshop, downloading, etc.

When school comes around, the Mac will get slightly more use for term papers (I don't fully trust Pages on iPad...yet) ;)
Right now I'm only using my iPad and my iPhone because I'm away from home. At home I only use my iMac for watching videos downloading stuff and any heavy typing. Everything else is done on my ipad like casual surfing and the like.
I have only spent about twenty minutes on my Mac all weekend. I would say that the iPad does about 90% of the computing tasks that I used to do with the iMac. It is a great little device that I wouldn't give up now.
If you remote in from your iPad to your Mac via iTeleport, does that count as Mac or iPad usage? That's how I sync. :D
I think I use my iPad about 20 to 30% of the time... just because I can't work on it, I need my Windows virtual machine and my 24" display for that. But I no longer sit in front of my iMac when I'm not working or using Lightroom. For everything else, there is my iPad.
I use my iPad for casual web browsing while at work and while trying watch tv, but if I need to burn/movies then obviously I got to the iMac.
Haha first person to put all the time:p
The only time I use any other computer is for syncing(until There's some kind of wireless syncing) and for Photoshop for the ten million avatar contest( vote for me)
Since I'm a photgrapher I need my Mac to edit, I also need it to post on my blog. There is no way I can do it from the iPad. The editor does not load properly in Safari. So I still spend the majority of time on my Mac. I also prefer reading on my Kindle, I tried reading on this and started getting a headache after about 20 minutes. I did play a lot of Bogel on it, scored an 89 ;)
I put 90% but perhaps it's closer to 80 - I'd disregarded the use the MacBook has been put to feeding iTunes TV downloads to the bedroom telly via Front Row. It's basically serving as my Apple TV, my syncing station and for rips. For everything else, there's iPad.
I'm only using my Mac for heavy lifting (torrenting, burning DVDs, etc).

Everything else has gone iPad.
Same here. Depends on what I need to do. iPad is great for reading PDF's, but if I need to use MS Office....
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