I am having trouble using quickpwn to unlock my iphone 2G with 2.1 software. I would like to try using winpwn but I think it only supports 2.0.1. Can someone tell me how to downgrade. Thanks
I am having trouble using quickpwn to unlock my iphone 2G with 2.1 software. I would like to try using winpwn but I think it only supports 2.0.1. Can someone tell me how to downgrade. Thanks
Just install the older firmware file if you have it, I'm sure it can be found online somewhere if you don't. Put phone into DFU, shift-click on Restore in iTunes and browse to that file.
Just install the older firmware file if you have it, I'm sure it can be found online somewhere if you don't. Put phone into DFU, shift-click on Restore in iTunes and browse to that file.
I am having trouble using quickpwn to unlock my iphone 2G with 2.1 software. I would like to try using winpwn but I think it only supports 2.0.1. Can someone tell me how to downgrade. Thanks
you are correct about winpwn not out yet to jailbreak 2.1, however the iphone developers have released a similar software to jailbreak 2.1 for windows users
I'm trying to go from 2.1 to 2.0.2 but have had no luck, I tried the instructions here: http://www.intomobile.com/2008/09/25/how-to-downgrade-your-iphone-os.html but they didn't seem to work, I get some sort of 1003 or 1013 error in iTunes (can't remember what it was). I'm only want to go back to 2.0.2 so that my favorite application (Tuner) will work again, so any help would be much appreciated!
I am having trouble using quickpwn to unlock my iphone 2G with 2.1 software. I would like to try using winpwn but I think it only supports 2.0.1. Can someone tell me how to downgrade. Thanks
You definitely don't want to downgrade to the unstable mess of 2.0.1. You can get Quickpwn for Mac or Winpwn for PC as well as Pwnage for both platforms at the Dev Team's blog: http://blog.iphone-dev.org/
you are correct about winpwn not out yet to jailbreak 2.1, however the iphone developers have released a similar software to jailbreak 2.1 for windows users