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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 9, 2007
New York City
i see that there are so many apps now the reviews are all over the place. how do you know if the app is good is there a website that gives the best and truthful recommendations about apps.
My method is to check Macrumors. Then go to the App store, search for the app. Go to Reviews Foi All Versions. Got Sort By - Most Critical. Read the critical reviews. Check the dates of the reviews. Then make your call based on what you read. You can also do a google search like "is so and so app any good" or "ratings for so and so app".
how do you know what apps is good!

Try this:

Sorry to bust your chops. Seriously:

1) Search MacRumors - there are several "post your favorite App" threads
2) Google "best iPhone Apps" and read
3) If there is a free/lite version of an app in which you are interested, download as a trial and play around with it
I've gotten burned like twice out of all the apps I've bought which is quite a few. I don't do all that much, but here it is.

Lite versions first and foremost; always helpful.

Gameplay videos.

Professional reviews. ( and appvee, both have iphone apps that are free. I suggest downloading them. One note though; I find Appvee to be fairly consistently too critical.)

I read negative user reviews in the app store. If they're 1 star and give good reasons, I take those into account. I don't believe the overall score unless there's a lot of reviews because some people give bad ratings and others think 1 star is best, which screws up apps with less reviews.

The publisher/developer matters too. If it's EA I expect a more thorough game, but not necessarily innovative because they're a big game churning giant. NGMoco is pretty creative, Gameloft does some pretty stunning stuff, and I really trust Chillingo as a publisher who supports great games.

Hope it helps!
Lots of good suggestions given by others.

Whatever method you choose, be careful when you read the App Store User Reviews - the majority of which (IMHO) are pretty much, useless garbage.

For every good, thoughtful and helpful review, you'll find twenty 1-star ratings with feedback like:

"THIS IZ A SCAM RIPOFF, $10 a MonTH???? DON't BUy IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"

I've said many times before in the past: I wish Apple hired professionals to review the apps in the App Store. As it is right now, there's simply no regulation; anyone can write anything they want, but I digress...
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