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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 28, 2009
Tulsa, OK
I find myself calling my iPad a computer when I'm around friends or family and they need to look up something. I don't say "Hey, let me check on my iPad." I say, "Let me look it up on my computer." My main reason is I feel smug (dare I say elite-ist) if I always mention "My iPad" because I'm one of the few of my friends and family that has one. It's also become more to me than just a big iPhone. No one says, "Let me check it out on my iMac or MacBook Pro." They just call it a computer or laptop.

I know this is a trivial thread, so flame away for being retarded if you want. At least I'm not complaining about missing features or asking what the next iPad is gonna have on it or when it comes out.

Just wanted to know if anyone else calls it a "computer" yet.
Rather unsurprisingly, I call my iPad an iPad :)

I also call my PC a PC, and my iPhone an iPhone. You'll never guess what I call my car.

Maybe I'm just a traditionalist :)
What about dropping the name? I just say "Let me look that up" and then pull out the iPad. Because really the focus should be on the information that is being looked up, not the medium on which it is being delivered.
It's my iPad, although I do let one person off for calling it a big iPhone, and it's this fella...


He's only 3 so it's ok just now.
Luckily my friends and family are familiar with today's current tech, so reffering to it as iPad doesn't garner any strange looks.
Computer, hmm, my microwave has a computer.

My 74 year old Mom saw it on the table and said, "Hey, show me your iPad."

I think if they don't know about it you should educate them, and it wont be smug, if you are not smug.
I really don't reference it as anything really. If I HAVE to, it's a pad.

It's my iPad, although I do let one person off for calling it a big iPhone, and it's this fella...


He's only 3 so it's ok just now.

Cool. I have 3 kids. One is 6 she calls it daddies iPad. The other 2 are both 4 (twins) one calls it the angry birds puter, the other calls it the apple.

I call it an iPad normally followed by "it is mine"
What about dropping the name? I just say "Let me look that up" and then pull out the iPad. Because really the focus should be on the information that is being looked up, not the medium on which it is being delivered.

This. I don't say, "let me look it up on the Mac" either. It's just another tool, that's all. I don't make a big deal out of it unless someone asks my opinion on it as a product.

At home, it might be "where's your iPad?" to my husband (I always know where MINE is! LOL), but that's about it.
I just say iPad. It's so unique you just have to call it that. Now if someone said "can you grab some eggs from the store?" and I replied with "yeah sure I'll drive their in my BMW" then that would be a dick move.
What about dropping the name? I just say "Let me look that up" and then pull out the iPad. Because really the focus should be on the information that is being looked up, not the medium on which it is being delivered.

Great response. I agree. I just realized I do this with my actual mac's.

As for educating my family on it, I'm one of the few geeky techie ones anyway. None of them want or have a need for it. My dad had fun with it when he came to visit me from Oklahoma. He just wanted to check his email and their flight schedules. But he's a farmer and doesn't have the time for one really (plus 3G coverage is pretty non-existent out in the fields).

Most of my friends are pretty much anti-apple anyway, so I try not to bring it up because I hate those types of conversations.

I just keep thinking about this youtube parody of two guys making a fake commercial for the iPhone (Hey, I'm just watching movies on my Apple iPhone by Apple!)
I find myself calling my iPad a computer when I'm around friends or family and they need to look up something. I don't say "Hey, let me check on my iPad." I say, "Let me look it up on my computer." My main reason is I feel smug (dare I say elite-ist) if I always mention "My iPad" because I'm one of the few of my friends and family that has one. It's also become more to me than just a big iPhone. No one says, "Let me check it out on my iMac or MacBook Pro." They just call it a computer or laptop.

I know this is a trivial thread, so flame away for being retarded if you want. At least I'm not complaining about missing features or asking what the next iPad is gonna have on it or when it comes out.

Just wanted to know if anyone else calls it a "computer" yet.

I call mine Fluffy.

"Where's Fluffy, I need to check my e-mail."

"Have you seen my Fluffy?"

"I really need to recharge Fluffy."

"Can't live without my Fluffy."

"Ah crap!!! I left my Fluffy at home today."

Sorry, having a bad day. My Giants a losing to the Padres right now.
I call mine Fluffy.

"Where's Fluffy, I need to check my e-mail."

"Have you seen my Fluffy?"

"I really need to recharge Fluffy."

"Can't live without my Fluffy."

"Ah crap!!! I left my Fluffy at home today."

Sorry, having a bad day. My Giants a losing to the Padres right now.

Well it's either that or "My Precious"......
Sorry, having a bad day. My Giants a losing to the Padres right now.


Do me a favor Giants, you guys don't have to win every game in extra innings.

Giants win the game in the bottom of the 11th!!!
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