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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 25, 2010
It seems to have really slowed down the browsers and I'm wanting to uninstall it but I don't see how.

I thought I could simply go back to the folder where I put the frash .deb file but the file is not there. I deleted the folders I made but that didn't get rid of it either.

Is a full restore the only way?
You had to jailbreak your iPad to install Frash in the first place, right? If so, fire up the Terminal application and delete the plugin. On a regular Mac, the plugin is located in /Library/Internet Plugins. I'm sure it's in a similar place on the iPad. If not, look around a bit. I'm sure you'll find it.


I like it but it was still a bit buggy for me. When I went to any sites with flash and menus like the flashelementprevents you from clickingonthe menu. Also all I reallywanted it for was video. Anyway I uninstalled it through cydia. Just went to manage packages and it was there for me to uninstall
I like it but it was still a bit buggy for me. When I went to any sites with flash and menus like the flashelementprevents you from clickingonthe menu. Also all I reallywanted it for was video. Anyway I uninstalled it through cydia. Just went to manage packages and it was there for me to uninstall

Exactly. Use Cydia to unload it. Personally, I'm not seeing much slowdown myself, and it's fun to see some banners that I normally wouldn't see (mostly ads though). I'm just excited that we may get to see Flash video at some point (fingers crossed).
I believe that its listed in cydia manager, you can modify it and uninstall is an option. Im not personally using this but a buddy in the chat room said this was on his iPad.
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