Worst than half baked - IB sucks!
All the samples create the UIScrollView from code, which is just rediculous.
Please someone tell me I am making this too hard.... I'm starting to think the SDK is a halfbaked crapPie(not the fish)
I'd strongly suggest avoiding the use of IB as much as possible! It is that bad. Some of the biggest set backs I've had in the process of developing my little app have involved IB and it's very buggy nature. The only reason I have a xib at all is that I'm basing my app off some of Apples sample code and even that might be a mistake.
Now part of that might be me not understanding IB well as it is new to me. I do understand bugs though and IB seems to be full of them. In any event no thank you for iPhone development.
Speaking of which IB strikes me as possibly the worst possible approach for a graphical interface builder. I find it to be obtuse and not at all suited to rapid development. I really think Apple went way out of it's way to make the system as unintuitive as possible. Frankly it just drives me bonkers to see words like "outlet" used in an IDE. Outlets are for plugging things into or maybe the stream that drains a lake. I've yet to see where this or the rest of the terminology used in IB makes much sense.
Frankly I'm currently of the opinion that IB and Objective C are about the worst possible combination for rapid development of sound IPhone apps. I know that will ruffle some feathers but even with 2.1 there is still a long way to go before the SDK can be considered stable.