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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 3, 2008
To make a long story short, apple sent me a replacement phone from my applecare benefit after I called in and said my mute switch was broken. A week alter they sent me my broken phoen back unfixed saying that it had water damage. Must be a faulty sensor, but there's nothing they will do about it, See my thread. So, now I'm stuck with two phones. I 've been using the "water damaged" one (minus the mute switch) while I try and get apple to respond to my issue. Looks to be fruitless.

So, instead of eating the cost of the replacement phone they sent me, I think I'm going to sell it on ebay. I used it for a week while I thought applecare would fix my old iphone, but haven't touched it sense. How do I wipe it clean of all info so I can sell it on ebay and try to regain some of my money?

Are there any problems anyone can see with doing this?
As far as I know, Settings -> General -> Restore -> Erase All Content and Settings is a secure erase feature that will overwrite your data randomly so nothing can be recovered from the phone.

It's discussed here (scroll down):,1

Note that it appears to take a fairly long time (which is a good indication it's being done properly, I guess... the scrubbing process on the Blackberry is also painfully slow). Make sure the iPhone is plugged into a charger or something so it doesn't die in the process.
As far as I know, Settings -> General -> Restore -> Erase All Content and Settings is a secure erase feature that will overwrite your data randomly so nothing can be recovered from the phone.

It's discussed here (scroll down):,1

Note that it appears to take a fairly long time (which is a good indication it's being done properly, I guess... the scrubbing process on the Blackberry is also painfully slow). Make sure the iPhone is plugged into a charger or something so it doesn't die in the process.

When I got a replacement iphone from the apple store - I told them I needed to make sure all my data was wiped from the phone I was giving back - the steps described above is how they did it.
Awesome! Thanks so much for the direction! Now to put it up on ebay... wish this place had a marketplace!
ahh, thanks! I thought this place had one when I joined up a while ago... eventually I'll be qualified!
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