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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 4, 2009
Richmond, Virginia
Ive read here on these forums how the appletv cant handle this and that to well, but Ive just installed ATVFLASH and was wondering how well does it play 1:1 dvd rips? No one really comments on that subject(of course they will be all legal dvd rips, just need to hide all my porn dvd cases)
you really shouldnt come across an issue with video file playback, as long as you use a correct video file that your hacked appletv can play. what are you using to rip your video content?
All my stored DVD's are ripped ones using Handbrake using their setting for Apple TV. They look great on my big TV I can't see any lose of picture quality and I am very picky about that so I am have been watching closely when I play them on the Apple TV with ATV flash installed.
All my stored DVD's are ripped ones using Handbrake using their setting for Apple TV. They look great on my big TV I can't see any lose of picture quality and I am very picky about that so I am have been watching closely when I play them on the Apple TV with ATV flash installed.

Just wondering how big of a file do you get after using handbrake? Most DVDs are around the 8GB mark. If your wondering I only have about 200 DVDs so a 2TB hard drive that I'm dedicating for this project should be enough, thats why I really dont want to encode.
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