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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 2, 2014
There is a lot of time since I stop using mail with my gmail and work account because on gmail when I deleted a mail it continues being on the server. Or when I add it to favourites on mail that change doesn't reflect on the server.

Now... I want to give a try again, but does anybody know if this things has changed? does anybody use Mail with a Gmail account?
I am using two personal gmail accounts on mail client. Both on OS X and on iOS.
You say changes would not reflect to server properly. What I experience is, changes may reflect to server. But it will take longer than expected to finish. And I need to retry in order to make changes applies on server.
What do you mean to "I need to retry in order to make changes applies on server".

When I've been using mail on OSX 3 years ago, I used to get inbox zero and archive the important messages on "importants" folder (like gmail does).
I've been doing this for months on OSX and my surprise was when I go into and saw that all emails where in the inbox (as read of course). The changes I've doing for months only appears on my Mac.

Do you make some special configuration? or just follow the instructions adding a google account?
Gmail support is in general very good on 10.11 (of course, the gmail labels are still very special). Starring is synchronised seamlessly. You don't need to set anything up, it happens automatically now. Three years ago it was not the case. It is true that deleting emails does not necessarily delete them on server, but thats a google thing — usually the emails are just pushed to All Mail. You can change it in the settings though.
I know that you can change archive for delete on iOS, but this option where not available on previous versions. If it is possible it will be a win for myself. Will make a clean install of GM and give Mail a try.
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