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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 3, 2006
Hey, I ordered my Mac Pro last thursday and was told 3 to 5 day shipping. I've noticed that pretty much everyone who has received one got it early and I was wondering just how early they were. Mine is set to ship 8/17 and arrive 8/24 even though I ordered 8/10. Also, I'm on the east coast and was wondering if being on the east coast or west coast carrys the faster shipping advantage? Thanks.
YoYoMa said:
Hey, I ordered my Mac Pro last thursday and was told 3 to 5 day shipping. I've noticed that pretty much everyone who has received one got it early and I was wondering just how early they were. Mine is set to ship 8/17 and arrive 8/24 even though I ordered 8/10. Also, I'm on the east coast and was wondering if being on the east coast or west coast carrys the faster shipping advantage? Thanks.

I am assuming that most that have them already purchased in local Apple stores.
I ordered the stock model on the 7th and should have it on Tuesday (I'm located in California).

I wish FedEx would update their tracking information. This is the latest update:
Aug 9, 2006 - 1:37 PM - Arrived at FedEx location - LEWISBERRY, PA
8 days for you Davey. So maybe I can expect mine eleven days from order. Maybe the 21st vs 24th since mine was three to five days till being shipped out being I changed the hard drive option.
I got mine on the 8th, but that is only because I picked it up from the Apple store :)

They only got 1 in on the 8th, and I was the lucky person to grab it.... Man, it was the worse drive in my life. They would not hold it, and basically said first come first serve. I was running into the store like a mad man!!!!!

Lucky you!! I've read a few more posts on here that suggest that Apple sends these out about three days earlier than they say, so hopfully mine will ship out this coming monday.
stevo86 said:
any canadians out there have their mac pro yet?? mine is set to ship Tuesday and then the shipping time is 8-12 busniess days. I can't wait to get it! :)

Yeah mine was suppose to ship on the 15th, but it shipped today!

Aug 12, 2006 	 

6:24 PM	Left origin  	RANCHO CORDOVA, CA 	
1:33 PM	 Picked up  	RANCHO CORDOVA, CA 	

10:34 AM	Package data transmitted to FedEx
Hahah, wow! That $70 bucks I saved lowering the hard drive is feeling like the stupidest idea ever right now!! Congrats btw;)
I ordered my BT/Airport/ATI about 6 hours after the keynote... Not expecting to ship until late August-Mid September.
I ordered a Mac Pro the 9th, with an expected shipping date of September 13th.
Can't understand why someone have received theirs already! :(
Well, although it'll prob come early for you guys too, it prob won't come early enough.
stevo86 said:
any canadians out there have their mac pro yet?? mine is set to ship Tuesday and then the shipping time is 8-12 busniess days. I can't wait to get it! :)

I ordered mine on the nineth, sent out a wire transfer from my bank on the tenth, but for what ever :mad: reason, the transfer does not seem to have gone through yet :mad: I don't expect my Mac to ship for a while yet, as I ordered a X1900XT as well, but I also ordered a 60g iPod for my better half, and that still shows that it hasn't shipped either, so much for wire transfers being fast :mad: I just hope I don't have to go chasing my cash down, now that it is in some wierd wire transfer/bank induced/coma/limbo :mad:
I ordered mine about 24 hours after it was announced, still haven't got it because of the X1900 XT card upgrade.
I ordered mine on the day it came out. However I got the wireless keyboard mouse, BT, 3.0GHz, 1 GB of ram, so im not expecting it to ship anytime soon...Apple says it will ship on September 5th and get here on the 12th. I really hope it ships earlier cause im dying to use this thing...
WooHoo! :)

Just got confirmation on my order for my new MacPro, estimated ship date Sept. 14th :rolleyes: (man another month!) I did order the B.T. and upgraded video, so I don't know which one, or if both of those items caused the delay in shipping time.
I would just like everyone to know that my Mac Pro shipped three days early and arrived six days early. I would say it's probably a safe bet to knock at least a bit under a week off of anyones ship date in cases where it seems excessively long. Good luck everyone!!
solaris said:
I ordered a Mac Pro the 9th, with an expected shipping date of September 13th.
Can't understand why someone have received theirs already! :(

They ordered the stock vid card and no BT?
I got an "order received" email from Apple shortly after ordering my Mac Pro on Sunday, but have yet to receive an order confirmation. Anyone know when I can expect this?

(The Apple Store shows a shipping date of Sept. 25 and a delivery date of Sept. 27.)
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