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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
I just bought an iMac for my parents and sister to share but they are all super computer illiterate. I work overseas so I can't go set it up for them and even though I have a mac, my office workers got to it before I did and set it up. Do they just have to turn it on? I don't want to re-install mac os on my machine to find out....

Oh, and by super computer illiterate they just found out that there is no "telephone line" in the computer to give them internet. (I've had wireless installed in their house for like 3 or 4 years....*sigh*)
Setup is very easy. When you turn on the computer for the first time there is a short welcome video that says welcome in like 20+ some languages. After that there is a registration thing, and then it askes who owns the computer. Then you create user accounts if you want. After that it says thanks, and your taken to the login screen (if you put more than one user account on it, or the single account has a password).

From there things might get hetic. I don't remember off-hand if the wireless (called airport) icon is already in the top of the screen by default or not. If it's not that might take some over the phone tech help if they know nothing about computers.

How much about macs do your fellow workers know about macs?

You should NEVER have to reinstall OS X. I have had to once back in OS X 10.3.6 (worst update ever in my experience). It fragged the system and the apple tech i talked too said i would have to reinstall it. She said she made a note of it to the software guys or who ever.

when 10.3.7 came it is was rock solid on the computer :p
It's literally 10 minutes, if that. You unbox 4 items; the iMac, Keyboard, Mouse, and power cord. Plus the keyboard into the back of the iMac, the mouse into the Keyboard, power cord into the iMac, then lastly the Ethernet patch cord into the iMac. If it's wireless, then it should find it for them once it's turned on.

Press the power button, answer a few questions, and they're done. It'll probably need download a bunch of updates. That'll take a bit. One of the updates is a little daunting if you've never done it. It requires you to hold the power button down while booting; until you hear a beep, and then let go. But since you just bought it, it may have it on already.

Better yet, have them turn it all on and get connected, then show them how to access iChat and setup share desktop for you to connect and do them for them from where you're at...
five - ten minutes. plug in peripherals in box. plug in ethernet if required. turn on. voilà!
Thanks guys for all the responses :) Sounds easy enough for them. I didnt know I could share desktops on a mac. Thats awesome. Im reading the help file now as I am sure I will have to do that. Its going to be so nice not having to remove tons of viruses and spyware all the time :D:D:D
Oh sweet. I didn't know that either. I bought them extra ram so Ill have to send them a link to a youtube video on how to install it...or else just get them a $40 geeksquad gift card :D
As tmelvin already pointed out, if you have leopard, you can remotely connect to and control their computer using iChat (version 4.0.5), that way you can update and mantain the iMac, even when you are at the opposite side of the world.

But, before you can connect to them using iChat, they need to set up the computer and connect to the wireless internet you already have set up for them; pretty easy if you ask me, but your not asking me, you'll be asking them...
As tmelvin already pointed out, if you have leopard, you can remotely connect to and control their computer using iChat (version 4.0.5), that way you can update and mantain the iMac, even when you are at the opposite side of the world.

But, before you can connect to them using iChat, they need to set up the computer and connect to the wireless internet you already have set up for them; pretty easy if you ask me, but your not asking me, you'll be asking them...

Oh thats awesome! I didn't know you could do that through iChat. I brought everyones WPA keys with me over here incase any family/friends had problems with connecting so it shouldnt be too bad :)
It took me 15 minutes to get my mothers iMac out of the box and set it up. Disconnecting the old computer included in the time estimate.

In other words - very easy.
It's literally 10 minutes, if that. You unbox 4 items; the iMac, Keyboard, Mouse, and power cord. Plus the keyboard into the back of the iMac, the mouse into the Keyboard, power cord into the iMac, then lastly the Ethernet patch cord into the iMac. If it's wireless, then it should find it for them once it's turned on.

Press the power button, answer a few questions, and they're done. It'll probably need download a bunch of updates. That'll take a bit. One of the updates is a little daunting if you've never done it. It requires you to hold the power button down while booting; until you hear a beep, and then let go. But since you just bought it, it may have it on already.

Better yet, have them turn it all on and get connected, then show them how to access iChat and setup share desktop for you to connect and do them for them from where you're at...
I just got one as well and it did not take long to setup at all. The thing that you might worry about is if they get a minor computer glitch or something. This happened to me but I figured it out in a few minutes but if they are computer illiterate they might not be able to. And which update requires you to hold the power button while booting up the machine?
I just got one as well and it did not take long to setup at all. The thing that you might worry about is if they get a minor computer glitch or something. This happened to me but I figured it out in a few minutes but if they are computer illiterate they might not be able to. And which update requires you to hold the power button while booting up the machine?

The "EFI" firmware update, I believe.

OP: My iMac was very easy to set up, so easy in fact, I reinstalled the OS to do it again...okay, when it was having troubles. :p
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