Many factors involved there...line quality, distance from the phone company switching station.
DSL does however have the advantage that whatever bandwidth you are in fact getting is all yours,
Not sure about other areas, but in Japan, VDSL is becoming popular for aparment dwellers. They run fiber connections to the apartment building. I believe there must be 10 units for NTT to do this, but not sure. Anyhow, the individuals who join share that fiber connection via ADSL within the apartment building.
Another method, similar to ADSL, but rather LAN connections in each apartment. Bandwidth is higher, but you are all on the same network in this case which can have it's issues.
Personally prefer the VDSL concept.
as opposed to cable which is often a single high speed connecting (ie 10mbit) shared through a neighborhood, making your connection more variable.
Cable definitely has it's sharing issues. A friend of mine lived in a neighborhood where there were many teenagers. You could tell when school was out, dinner time, and bedtime due to the bandwidth changes.
Plus with a cable connection, you are sharing the connection if you will such that the starting person in the loop can see the others traffic.
I much prefer ADSL or FTTH as they are dedicated connections to your home.
I was unaware of the difference in kbits and kbytes. I assumed they were the same thing.
Just as a point of clarification, usually, they are written like this:
Megabits per second --> Mbps
Megabytes per second --> MBps
Kilobits per second --> Kbps
Kilobytes per second --> KBps