I have 10+ years of programing experience and know well enough python, .net, javascript, delphi, foxpro, xml and sql dialects of sql server, firebird & others...
I plan develop on the iphone. I have no big problems unserstanding the syntax of objective-c, at least is not c++! - but always hate the c-derivate languages.
The experience tell me that anything that you can do in a c-derivate language can you do in a language with better syntax, using only a hand and being blind while a couple of terrorist attact on you.
I see at pyObjc and know exist a port to iphone. I wonder if is a good idea try with this instead of go directly to Obj-c.
I build bussines/db oriented apps, no math or graphic intensive.
My worry is the license about not use a scripting language, but maybe is only for downloading of code and not embeb it with not changes at runtime??
Also, I can expect problems in debugging or deployment? I alwasy love delphi because is the only tool with no deployment nigthmares... so I learn that for a consumer app the easy of deployment is a king. I not mind have a complicated setup procedure if is transparent to the end-user, but I live by the mantra of find dependencies and eliminate them when possible.
If is not a good idea, at least is not java!
I plan develop on the iphone. I have no big problems unserstanding the syntax of objective-c, at least is not c++! - but always hate the c-derivate languages.
The experience tell me that anything that you can do in a c-derivate language can you do in a language with better syntax, using only a hand and being blind while a couple of terrorist attact on you.
I see at pyObjc and know exist a port to iphone. I wonder if is a good idea try with this instead of go directly to Obj-c.
I build bussines/db oriented apps, no math or graphic intensive.
My worry is the license about not use a scripting language, but maybe is only for downloading of code and not embeb it with not changes at runtime??
Also, I can expect problems in debugging or deployment? I alwasy love delphi because is the only tool with no deployment nigthmares... so I learn that for a consumer app the easy of deployment is a king. I not mind have a complicated setup procedure if is transparent to the end-user, but I live by the mantra of find dependencies and eliminate them when possible.
If is not a good idea, at least is not java!