*sigh* memories.... I started off in BASIC. It's a good place to start, but only if you're planning on sticking with it, which you're not. So avoid it at all costs.
Since you have no programming knowledge whatsoever, I always highly recommend the becomeanxcoder tutorial at
http://www.cocoalab.com/. It's a tutorial for anyone new to programming in general... unfortunately it's slightly out of date but you should be able to figure out the few differences. It's certainly worth trying at least, that tutorial is the best I've ever seen.
Second, try
http://www.cprogramming.com/. It's an old site, but still relevant. You can learn C, (the core of ObjC and C++) and C++ as well if you're interested. I'm not sure if you need this, I went through it before becomeanxcoder so I don't know how easy/hard it'd be to do without it but since becomeanxcoder covers the very beginning, I'd assume you don't NEED extensive C to do it. But despite that, it's very good to know C decently anyways.
Third, buy Cocoa Programming For Mac OS X, 3rd edition. I don't think it's the best book in the world, but it's the best up to date cocoa book. It tells how, not why which is a bummer but it's very useful anyways.
[Good] programming isn't something you can just pick up. You need to have/find out if you have a passion and a knack for it. And there's more to it for most people than just knowing how to write code that works. There's math, concepts that involve physics and AI, all sorts of things. (Assuming you don't just plan on writing a text editor or something boring
I don't know if you'll find it useful, I probably don't work the same as other people, but here's how I've been learning since I moved to ObjC and Cocoa. But what I do and what works well for me is first I come up with a project, or find an interesting topic in Cocoa programming for mac os x. I then read the chapter in the book, and build a test program. (If you're smart, you'll have a folder filled with little tests for learning) If it was simple and easy to learn, which it usually isn't, I read in depth online, ask questions here and at the cocoa-dev mailing list, and fool around with numbers and stuff. And as I experiment and learn, I add to the program or think of things I don't know how to do to add. Then I figure out, through tutorials examples and questions, how to do that. And with that process I learn. So really the book is a reference and starting point for me.
Good luck! Nate