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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 9, 2023
Camarillo CA
so im considering upgrading my 800 MHz PowerPC CPU to something more powerful like a 1ghz or 1.5 and im wonder how simple it will be, like can i just replace the existing 800 with the 1.5 and the device will run it or is it more complicated than that, also did any dual 1ghz PowerPC CPU's ever exist? just wondering so i can make upgrading easier since im currently running on a dual 800 MHz


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 9, 2023
Camarillo CA
interesting, so would i have to replace the entire processor board or could i just replace the CPU itself, since i found a bunch of cheap PowerPC CPU chips on ebay which i was hoping to just swap out the chip itself
the chip i found


macrumors 65816
May 16, 2017
interesting, so would i have to replace the entire processor board or could i just replace the CPU itself, since i found a bunch of cheap PowerPC CPU chips on ebay which i was hoping to just swap out the chip itself
the chip i found
In this case, yes, you replace the entire processor card.

Just swapping the CPU itself with a new chip would be a massive hassle (it’s soldered on) and would not result in a difference in clock speed. The clock speed is set by the board and not by the chip. It’s just that CPUs have been tested to work up to the frequency the are sold as. If you want to obtain a higher clock frequency with the same board then you’ll have to overclock it. Here is a page showing how that can be done for different old Macs. Depending of which specific model you have it may just involve soldering a few jumpers.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 9, 2023
Camarillo CA
i see, well thanks for the information, i'll probably stick to my current CPU as i don't have nor want to spend the money on a new Processor card, it does the job fine i was just interested in trying to get a higher CPU clock speed


macrumors 65816
May 16, 2017
i see, well thanks for the information, i'll probably stick to my current CPU as i don't have nor want to spend the money on a new Processor card, it does the job fine i was just interested in trying to get a higher CPU clock speed
You could try overclocking your current board and CPUs following the instructions I linked to. There’s no guarantee that it’ll work stably, but it wouldn’t cost you anything either unless something broke.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 9, 2023
Camarillo CA
from what i read overclocking the 800 won't do much as its running at its max speed, plus idk how much of a difference there would be from 800 to like 900
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