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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 7, 2009
Dear all,

First of all, thanks for checking out my post here. I really appreciate the helpful attitude of the people on this forum, you all rock!

So here's what I got.

I have an iPhone 1st Generation, Firmware version 2.2.1. After some research I found my best solution to unlock it form AT&T to use on T-Mobile was to go ahead and use QuickPWN.

I downloaded the necessary files and went through with it. I now have Cydia and the Installer on my phone, everything went just fine, didn't brick it as far as I can tell.

Now I have an old AT&T SIM card and the one I want to use, my T-Mobile SIM card.

When I install the AT&T Card or without a card, everything works fine, I can't make any calls or search the web without an internet connection (due to my using an old AT&T SIM which is from an old account with AT&T) it basically now acts like an iPod Touch.

Now, when I put in my T-Mobile sim I immediately get the notice:

Different SIM detected
Please connect to iTunes​

Here's the funny part, if I slide over for an emergency call, I can see full bars with T-Mobile! I can call anyone, but I just can't access anything else besides this Emergency Call thing.

Even if I dial in, for instance my wife's phone number it brings up her beautiful face in the background while making the call!

But I can't get past this screen with my T-mobile SIM card in.

Now one issue may be that the T-Mobile SIM is old, it's one I've had since I used my Sidekick back in the day, so it's about 5 years old.

But if that were the issue, I shouldn't be able to make phone calls with it, right? I can make calls clear as day, can't access my phone book or anything like my home screen (just dial them in from the Emergency screen), but I can make phone calls!

Oh, and just so it's known, I don't think it's "bricked" because as soon as I take the SIM card out, it works just fine in "iPod Touch Mode" (No Network, no phone calls no SMS, just music, browser when I have wifi, etc)

I tried searching for this exact problem and couldn't find that anyone else had it.

Do you think you can help me out?
You need to install the bootloaders that allow the iphone to make calls

1. Download Pwnage Tool

2. Download the bootloaders, most likely BL-3.9

3. Place the bootloaders in the same directory as pwnage tool.

4. Make sure you have 2.2.1 firmware downloaded on your computer and in the pwnage tool directory. Make sure the filetype ends in .ipsw

Run Pwnage tool, it will then create a customer 2.2.1 firmware with the bootloaders included.

5. Open Itunes and press the option button when you click restore. You can then browse for the custom firmware you just created. Select it and Itunes will install the custom firmware that will let you use the phone features.
You need to install the bootloaders that allow the iphone to make calls

1. Download Pwnage Tool

By Pwnage tool I assume you mean Quick PWN? Got that.

2. Download the bootloaders, most likely BL-3.9

I have these. The quickPWN asks for them as part of the installation. Mine are called bl39.bin and bl46.bin

3. Place the bootloaders in the same directory as pwnage tool

WAIT! Can you explain this a little more? When you say same directory, you mean I need to put them in the same folder? i.e a folder named "All stuff for Iphone" and put them in there? Because if so, this was done.

4. Make sure you have 2.2.1 firmware downloaded on your computer and in the pwnage tool directory. Make sure the filetype ends in .ipsw

This file would be called iPhon1,1_2.2.1_5h11_Restore I believe. I have that in the same folder.

5. Run Pwnage tool, it will then create a customer 2.2.1 firmware with the bootloaders included.

I suppose it did that. I QuickPWN did ask for the 2.2.1 firmware file and I browsed to the above mentioned folder for it as well as the .bin files I mentioned above in the next step of the QuickPWN process.

6. Open Itunes and press the option button when you click restore. You can then browse for the custom firmware you just created. Select it and Itunes will install the custom firmware that will let you use the phone features.

I'm sorry, I don't quite follow. When I hit restore I don't receive an option to browse. I am just allowed to restore it. I don't have a problem loosing all my APs. Should I just restore my phone to factory settings and if so should I choose to backup as it asks or just forget about it? I can go back through the QUICKpwn process again

As I show above, my understanding of your response, which is much appreciated by the way, is based on the use of QuickPWN if you are speaking of a completely seperate one then let me know.

Just so the objective is in mind here, all I really want to do is be able to unlock the phone and use EDGE for my internet as I can on my regular t-mobile phone. I'm not all that interested in uploading many different programs on my phone at this time and thus "jailbreaking" meaning being able to get APs from elsewhere and such is really not a necessity for me.
If you are on a mac you should press the option key when restoring for it to ask you for a file or on windows press the shift key.
I believe your problem is caused because the QuickPwn unlock fails when the phone is already activated to a legit carrier. I had the same problem.

The way I solved it was to put the phone into DFU mode and connect to iTunes, letting it restore to the latest version. I then did NOT activate it with iTunes, but ran the QuickPwn process, and the unlock worked fine that time.
If you are on a mac...

Probably would be easier if I was.
No, I'm on a Vista.

I can receive texts as well if I view them from the lock screen, found that out today, but can't respond to them because can't get past the Emergency dial screen.

& if it helps, I do get Edge, I can see the "E" in the top bar where my connection status & the T-Mobile service is shown (as opposed to "3G" & AT&T Service).

So if I can just get past this emergency screen for good, I bet I'm home free!
The way I solved it was to put the phone into DFU mode and connect to iTunes, letting it restore to the latest version. I then did NOT activate it with iTunes, but ran the QuickPwn process, and the unlock worked fine that time.

Wow perfect! I can try that tonight, it has been activated, that's true.

But how exactly do I put the phone into DFU mode & restore to latest version? & how do I know when I have DFU mode?
But how exactly do I put the phone into DFU mode...

I figured this out by searching it. I held down the home and power for 7 seconds and then held the home button until it asked if I wanted to update on my iTunes screen.

I'm not downloading the iPhone Software Update from iTunes for the phone, it'll take about 4 hours from what I can tell.

Now you also mentioned activation. Don't activate it with iTunes? Will it be obvious when I get to that step and at this point am I following the procedure correctly or should I be doing something else to restore my phone?

Right now the phone's screen is black and doesn't come up at all, since I held the power+home button for 7 seconds and then continued to hold the home button for another 20 seconds. I was prompted by iTunes to check for a restore and am now downloading it into my Downloads file. So far so good? I have 4 hours until it's done downloading.
Yes, I think iTunes will ask you to activate the phone when it's all done. Don't accept, instead, go on to use QuickPwn again.

Good luck :)

It works!

Now how do I get the browser up and working? I get this message, Moi,

Could not activate cellular data network: You are not subscribed to a cellular data service.
It works!

Now how do I get the browser up and working? I get this message, Moi,

Could not activate cellular data network: You are not subscribed to a cellular data service.

Set the General > Network > Cellularl Data Network to

But now I dont get the above message, I get a page that come up as etc.

And it looks like some kinda script page. Just black text on white.

Look slike I can't use a google search engine, I can search but I only get select sites. For instance Yahoo or something.

Maybe I just need to reset the Cell Data Network settings to another code specific to t-mobile?
Maybe it would be best now to post a new question on how to access the t-mobile cellular data network. There are lots of people on the forum have done that OK but they probably won't be reading this thread. Good luck.
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