i just recieved a slightly used early imac g5 and i go to network settings and i see it dosent have an airport card....how can i connect it wirelessly to the internet. if a picture is needed to help clarify i will provide one
I have the same one, I think I had to purchase my own Airport card and install it myself at the time (april 2005). but i didnt get it from apple, i got it from some place..... b&h photo video? i think thats the place is called, i didnt buy it my dad didits a 1.8 ghz imac...the all white one. and it also says superdrive on the top corner...what does that mean
its a 1.8 ghz imac...the all white one. and it also says superdrive on the top corner...what does that mean
its a 1.8 ghz imac...the all white one. and it also says superdrive on the top corner...what does that mean
so what airport do i NEED to get...or will they all work and its just personal preference?