has anyone taken the risk to update their iPhone SE to iOS 11.2 yet? I'am allergic to all kinds of lag/stutters. I'am now on iOS 10.3.3 and it is the most lagfree version of iOS since I got the SE. iOS 9 was a completely mess, but with every version of iOS 10 they removed the lag step by step. Does iOS 11 make it better or is it the same diashow as iOS 9? Especially since iOS 11.2, rumors say that it is a lot more polished. And I know that there are already threads on this topic, but since it is heavily device dependent and since there is no iPhone SE iOS 11.2 topic..
No answers from people who think android is smooth and/or think that iOS 9 was great on the iPhone SE, thanks.
has anyone taken the risk to update their iPhone SE to iOS 11.2 yet? I'am allergic to all kinds of lag/stutters. I'am now on iOS 10.3.3 and it is the most lagfree version of iOS since I got the SE. iOS 9 was a completely mess, but with every version of iOS 10 they removed the lag step by step. Does iOS 11 make it better or is it the same diashow as iOS 9? Especially since iOS 11.2, rumors say that it is a lot more polished. And I know that there are already threads on this topic, but since it is heavily device dependent and since there is no iPhone SE iOS 11.2 topic..
No answers from people who think android is smooth and/or think that iOS 9 was great on the iPhone SE, thanks.