"gradients issues"?
Are you talking about colour banding?
I had the occasion to quickly run some monitor test patterns on the 27" iMac today, along with some HD Video from the quicktime showcase site. Overall I'm extremely impressed with the display, but can't really get a good feel for its backlight brightness in a strongly lit Apple store.
There was barely a hint of colour banding, nothing even approaching the intolerably bad picture I get out of my supposively high end Dell 2407WFP anyway.
More importantly, HD video looks STUNNING. I can forgive glossy for what it does to the picture, and have little trouble ignoring the reflections even in said brightly lit store. They never bothered me and I'm tall, so I always tilt the display upwards (more glare from lights potentially) and still have no trouble.
Full-sized 1080P HD video running 1:1 on the screen in a window, whilst still being able to chat and browse the web is pretty impressive... now if only it actually had a source of HD content.
What I DID notice with the test patterns was the really poor out-of-the-box calibration, on a scale of 20 greys (
http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/black.php) designed to demonstrate accurate black levels and black detail, the display failed miserably, showing only the bottom 5 distinctly. This should be fixable, or could have been the stores lightning drowning out the picture.
The gradient banding test (
http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/gradient.php) which, as I said, looks AWFUL on my monitor looked absolutely beautiful on the 27" iMac. There was no evidence of the pinks/greens/oranges/blues that mysteriously find their way into gradients on my Dell display.
I think you should be expecting performance very close to the 24" Apple LED Cinema display, if not better.