Mother-in-law needs refurb iPhone. Budget only allows iPhone SE (2 GB RAM, A9) or iPhone 6 (1 GB RAM, A8). She doesn't want to spend the money on a 6s.
I would prefer the SE, but my wife suggests her mother may prefer the bigger screen. How is the iOS 11 beta on the iPhone 6?
My iPhone is the 7 Plus, and my wife's is the 6s. We send a lot of pix and sometimes small videos to her mother. With iOS 11, my photos are already HEIF and my videos are already HEVC. How is playback on the iPhone 6 via software? Or are those only going to get JPEGs and h.264 so always re-encoded before files sent over?
I would prefer the SE, but my wife suggests her mother may prefer the bigger screen. How is the iOS 11 beta on the iPhone 6?
My iPhone is the 7 Plus, and my wife's is the 6s. We send a lot of pix and sometimes small videos to her mother. With iOS 11, my photos are already HEIF and my videos are already HEVC. How is playback on the iPhone 6 via software? Or are those only going to get JPEGs and h.264 so always re-encoded before files sent over?