You see these crazy mega pixels these days (up to 41 MP on the Nokia I think) and 16 MP on Samsungs and stuff, yet how come the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, and now the iPhone 6 all have an 8 MP camera only?
To be fair, I had a BlackBerry Q10 a while back and this iPhone 6 camera blows it out of the water. Like with the BlackBerry, it's a matter of a) being really really still and not move while taking the photo and b) a matter of luck to get a crisp picture. With the iPhone 6, I feel that no matter how sloppy I tend to be and not even focus on stabilizing myself much, it takes great pictures every time.
am I correct when I tell people that all megapixels mean is that the image will look better when printed on huge paper but at the end of the day, it's all about the lens?
anyone care to shed some light on this topic?
Also, since all the recent iPhones are 8 MP, what differentiates them from one another in terms of quality?
To be fair, I had a BlackBerry Q10 a while back and this iPhone 6 camera blows it out of the water. Like with the BlackBerry, it's a matter of a) being really really still and not move while taking the photo and b) a matter of luck to get a crisp picture. With the iPhone 6, I feel that no matter how sloppy I tend to be and not even focus on stabilizing myself much, it takes great pictures every time.
am I correct when I tell people that all megapixels mean is that the image will look better when printed on huge paper but at the end of the day, it's all about the lens?
anyone care to shed some light on this topic?
Also, since all the recent iPhones are 8 MP, what differentiates them from one another in terms of quality?