That page of the article you linked explains how to set exceptions from the default view for folders and their sub-folders. That's not what I'm looking for.
The interesting part of the article is on page 2:
I quote:
"Setting the Finder view default is a simple task. Just open a Finder window, select the view you want, and set it as the default for your system. Once you've done that, all Finder windows will open using the default view you set, unless a specific folder has a different preset view."
The catch is that this only seems to work for folders that have never been altered in any way. If you've ever changed a view option of a folder it no longer reacts to changes to the default view.
While it is sometimes useful that Finder remembers each folder's view options, there definitely should be a way to define a new default view that overrides any individual view options in any folder.
It seems to me this is only possible by deleting all ".DS_Store" files first. Can somebody confirm this?