There's a lot of questions in there so let's unpack it a little at a time.
First off, a "simple" notes app is not how I'd define Apple notes. - It integrates with iCloud which is a rather complex system, has extensive pencil and drawing support, OCR functionality, can import scanned documents, includes tables and maths in those tables, several kinds of formatting, checklists different colour schemes, note encryption, lots of sharing options, text formatting, keyboard shortcuts, different kinds of grids for the notebook pages, a timed deletion system, syncing with third party note providers from email note services, folder collections, notes with GPS information baked in, live collaboration notes, and many many many more advanced feaetures.
So Apple Notes has presumably not been an easy app to make.
How easy it is to get a really simple notes app going on the other hand; If all we're doing is making an app where you can write a quick thing, save it, write another thing, save it and delete at will; I could make that by the end of today. Wouldn't be polished, wouldn't be unique-looking or elegant or anything like that, but it'd work.
How long something takes to make is a lot more than just about the app and what it can do as well. It's about scalability for the future, establishing a support infrastructure for the product, potential server-side code and maintenance, keeping up with platform developments over time, etc.
A smaller user-base and a smaller scope always entails less development time, even with an elegant and relatively feature-full app; Evernote for instance works on both Android and iOS with a large userbase with support requests and bug reports - a smaller userbase would find, report and care less about the bugs that may be, and require way less server-side resources, if any.
Making a prototype doesn't take long at all really, so I suggest throwing yourself into it. Don't expect your first attempts to be very maintainable long term though. It's not that hard to write code that works; Writing code that is easy to work with later on can be trickier though, so to get a good architecture you may need some experience that you won't have on your first few goes; But then you refactor or start over and it's not wasted time, even if you throw it out; It's developmental learning.
As for languages; Well, to make an analogue to real languages, if I want to ask where the toilet is, it doesn't really matter if I ask in German, English, Spanish or Danish, as long as there's someone that can translate it to what the person I'm talking to understands. And pretty much any programming language will compile, or "translate" into machine code. - Some are easier than others for certain things; Like working with UIKit on iOS for displaying a graphical user interface, but a programming language is just notation. Learning one will get you a good way towards learning another.
Earlier this year I wrote my first ever C# code. For a majority of it I didn't look at documentation or Google or anything, because most code isn't that different from each other. Of course the languages are different and some more than others, but a fundamental understanding will get you far with all of them.
If I were to give a recommendation though, Swift is a good language for developing for Apple platforms. - With Xcode and Swift you don't need to worry about a lot of things you'd have to for using another IDE with another language. All the system libraries and frameworks are available to you and it's all gathered nicely in one place with documentation and autocomplete already set up for you, and you can quickly and easily run the code. Swift is also a fairly easy language to get started with - Though it has a lot of advanced feaetures, in its base form its easy to read and use
Which brings up the biggest question of all: how you planning on funding this?
And why would someone use your notebook service and not Notes, Bear, OneNote, GoodNotes, SimpleNote, Inkdrop, Notability, ZoHo notes or Evernote (to name but a few).
I was assuming it was more of a "I want to learn how to do this" than thinking of making it a profitable business, and I wouldn't discourage anybody from taking on any app idea, no matter how many better alternatives there may be, for the purposes of learning.
But if the OP was thinking of doing it just to make money, well, yeah...