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macrumors regular
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I am just wondering, how long does the iPad battery last generally? I'm just wondering, for example,


How long can the iPad play music with WIFI off?

How long can the iPad surf on a WIFI network?

How long can the iPad last with iBooks open?

And, just generally, how peoples experiences have been with the battery life on the iPad.

Thanks for any help.
I always have wifi on and I use it for probably 2 or 3 hours a day (surfing the net, watching movies, or ebooks)...I need to charge it once sometimes twice a week.
Depends on what your doing, games can run the battery down a good bit. I use for a good few hours during the day with wifi on and brightness low and it gets to around 50% percent at night when I go to charge it.
Fairly constant use all day, mix of video, game playing, news and twitter apps, mail, browsing - with WIFI and 3G enabled all the time - I get about 10-12 hours between charges.
Last weekend I charged every night. The iPad was used approximately 10 to 11 hours per day playing a racing game, browsing, email, USA today, Wall Street Journal, watching movie trailers, etc. At the end of day I still had 24 to 26 percent battery left. I used WiFi the entire time as I do not have the 3G version.
Ok, thanks for the replies.

What about straight up music playing? Has anyone used it for this? I remember Steve Jobs saying in an interview it will last 130 hours playing music with the screen off.

I'd say that's possible. I used it on a short plane flight recently and played MP3s while reading in iBooks with the lowest brightness setting. In a little over 2 hours my battery didn't dip more than a couple percent. Overall, the battery life is so good on the iPad, that you will generally never have to 'worry' about charging it, because it would be almost impossible to drain it without having the option to charge it again at some point.
I wish there was a built in feature to display the usage and standby of the iPad like on the iPhone, anyone know a app for that?
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