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Original poster
Dec 15, 2006
Montréal, Canada
i received a new iMac about 2 weeks ago, and i'd like to know how long the battery is suppose to roughly last for the keyboard and magic mouse.

when i installed iStat Pro widget, it showed the battery power for my mouse, but the keyboard has never showed up. my mouse has been steadily losing battery power and is now at 28%. however, bluetooth states the power to my keyboard is 100%. this doesn't seem correct.

one other thing i've noticed in the bluetooth menu, under devices, is that the keyboard is labeled as "Apple Wireless Keyboard", while the mouse is title's my name's mouse (IE: "Darkroom's Mouse"). this may just nothing, but i'm assuming it's another symptom of my keyboard not being fully read by the OS.

There has been a lot of talk about the magic mouse power use already, but suffice to say the keyboard lasts a hell of a lot longer than the magic mouse. I've generally swapped batteries in the magic mouse about once every 6-8 weeks. I've swapped batteries in the keyboard once.

I've had my iMac since December 09.
There has been a lot of talk about the magic mouse power use already, but suffice to say the keyboard lasts a hell of a lot longer than the magic mouse. I've generally swapped batteries in the magic mouse about once every 6-8 weeks. I've swapped batteries in the keyboard once.

I've had my iMac since December 09.

Pretty much same here bought my iMac in April 09 and changed the batteries in the mouse three times and only once in the keyboard.
The keyboard lasts a lot longer than the Magic Mouse.
I've had my batteries in the keyboard for a long time now, but the Magic Mouse needs new ones every 2 months or so. If not less.

It really depends on if you plan on ever turning it off or not
I gave up on the magic mouse and have just gone back to using a good old fashioned wired mouse. It's nice not having to keep checking the remaining battery power every day. The batteries would generally only last 3 weeks which was quite ridiculous. I even bought some lithium batteries which are supposed to last ages but even they ended up dying after 3 weeks the same as alkaline batteries.

The wireless keyboard is absolutely fine though. I've had my imac since the beginning of january and I've not had to change the batteries yet, they're still on 61%.
I have not changed the KB batteries yet and it shows as 67% but the mouse batteries last 2 weeks!!

I have had the iMac 27" since March. And it is in use 10 - 14 hours everyday.
sold mine ,because of the power consumption , just a bit short lived the batteries or accu's, best 2 weeks before empty , apple should get a charger for the magic mouse , like for example these logitech mice or keyboards have , just place them like your homephone onto the charger after use simple is that , but they are not cheap:( for the time beeing i take my old microsoft arch mouse (best product with the microsoft name)where the batteries last 5 month + under daily use which is acceptable :)
I just bought (and by that mean I stole from my parents) a few sets of rechargeable batteries so I no longer have to buy them. It makes it a heck of a lot cheaper in the long run.
My iMac is less than 2 months old. I am on my 3rd set of batteries for the mouse and the original battery for the keyboard. I am now using rechargeable batteries
Quick draining of the mouse batteries was reported before (~5 months ago) and as far as I remember it was traced to mouse attempting to communicate with computer in the sleep mode and not responding. Apparently it was not fixed, but users were reporting, that turning the mouse OFF when not in use was more or less solving the problem.

Tom B.
I've had my iMac for just about three months now. I use it a fair amount and it's rarely in sleep mode or shut off, so it's always going, and I don't know if that affects the Mouse/keyboard battery life or they shut themselves off when not in use independently from the computer. Anyways, in those three months, I've had to replace the mouse batteries three times and the keyboard is sitting pretty at 92% without any battery changes.
i just came across this article, which seems to back up my findings. 2 weeks for battery replacement for a wireless mouse is absolutely unacceptable, especially when a $10 PC mouse, although not touch sensitive, can last 5 or 6 months without new batteries.
I got a magic mouse 2 days ago and it's already on %93 battery charge. I may have to turn to rechargables:( I wish apple would fix this somehow.
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