please can any one help me ?
i have new Ipad 32GB 3G and i want to know how long should i put it in charge for the first time ?
After you get it, play with it for 10+ hours till it's battery is out. Then it's time for you go to sleep, while you can charge your new love through the night.
I have never had my iPad go below like 50% before it is time to go to bed (only use it at home in the evenings), and then I plug it in to charge. Should I be intentionally letting it run down lower before charging? I thought that the newer batteries did not suffer from the energy memory issue that older batteries had. Asking rather than stating a fact.
spammerhamster said:You were able to put down your iPad on your first day?
Nah, it's not needed to let it run down. According to apple's advice you ought to let it run down once a month or so.
You should refrain from charging too much though (as the battery's life is measured in total dis/recharge cycles.) If you only charge it every other night, you should easily have 2-3 years of optimum usage. That's when it's time for the 3rd gen iPad.
I really like how once the iPad no longer holds a charge you can just swap it out for a new one for $100. That's the best battery feature IMO![]()
Wonder how they will deal with this when the second gen comes out.
So if summer next year my battery is crapping out, could I still get a replacement even though there is a new gen?
I really like how once the iPad no longer holds a charge you can just swap it out for a new one for $100. That's the best battery feature IMO![]()