I am in the market for a new desktop. I am not in the market for an iMac because it is not really upgradable. I hear that in August, the new desktop macs (power mac) will be unveiled. But according to macrumors, it doesn't look like they will be all that powerfull... not much faster than the macbook pro. I also heard that in January, mac will be releasing desktops with intel's new "woodcrest" chips that are supposed to be just amazing. I eventually will need a new laptop too - however what I have now will suffice for the immediate future (I have a G4 powerbook). I will be using the desktop for mainly video editing and gaming. What do you all think I should do??? Just get the power mac in August, or try my best to wait patiently until January for the supposed woodcrest chip macs? Or maybe if the power macs that are supposedley to come out in August aren't all that great, tide over my urge for a new computer by replacing my powerbook (which I'll be doing soon anyway) and getting a macbook pro. Then in January when the woodcrest chipsets come out, get one of those power macs.... oh, the options!!