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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 30, 2006
San Diego

I was just wondering if I should be hesitant to upgrade my NMP to Yosemite when it is released? :eek:
theres no goldmaster just yet so we dont quite know yet. so im thinking if you see a bunch of help! something broke threads on here on release day wait a few days before you make your decisions. I usually wait a month.
theres no goldmaster just yet so we dont quite know yet. so im thinking if you see a bunch of help! something broke threads on here on release day wait a few days before you make your decisions. I usually wait a month.

There is a GM. And with the bugs I still see in Yosemite on my laptop, and the incompatibility with few apps I need, I won't update my Mac Pro to Yosemite at release. Will probably wait to see if 10.10.1/2 is better.
Yes there is a GM Release Candidate for Yosemite. I have been toggling back and forth between 10.9.5 and the 10.10 GM, until recently. I am pretty much running full time in Yosemite now on my Mac Pro 5,1. When the time time comes, I will probably update my MBA on the release date.

If you use your nMP for work you need to wait for your key applications are updated for Yosemite.
^^^^I have not found any applications of my applications that do not work in Yosemite.


I was just wondering if I should be hesitant to upgrade my NMP to Yosemite when it is released? :eek:

I've been running Yosemite on my nMP for a month now and it's very stable. However, I haven't installed it on my work rMBP since I can't afford any issues with mail, calendar, or Lync on that system and it seems that's where most of the outstanding issues lie.
My rule of thumb for upgrading with a new version of OS X for my production system(s) is to wait until 10.X.3, at least. By then, the major bugs have been fixed. I've use this approach since since 10.1, and it hasn't caused me any undo hardship.

If you do want to install Yo upon release, create a clone of your current, working Mavericks drive, and install Yosemite on the clone, keeping your apps and settings intact. Then, if Fruitcake happens, you'll have Mavericks to fall back on.
One of the beauties of having a cMP, is that you can have multiple disks and StartUp disks.

I have using Yosemite since the first PB1. On the early releases of the Beta, I toggled back and forth between Mavericks and Yosemite. Since PB4 (the GM) I've pretty much stayed with Yosemite. One of my StartUp disks still has Mountain Lion. This disk will be erased the day Yosemite is released, and I'll keep two up to date StartUp disks with Mavericks until the release of 10.11.

In any event I will continue using Yosemite, as it seems, so far, pretty bug free.

I still haven't updated my MBA to Yosemite, but I expect to on the day of official release.

In your nMP Yosemite installations, have you upgraded an existing Mavericks installation, done a fresh install and migrated from TimeCapsule (my preferred method), or started completely from scratch?
How long to wait before loading my NMP with Yosemite?

In your nMP Yosemite installations, have you upgraded an existing Mavericks installation, done a fresh install and migrated from TimeCapsule (my preferred method), or started completely from scratch?

Over the years I've done fresh installs of major new OS X versions and also upgrades to older versions and generally the only difference is that an upgrade is a lot less effort since you're not reinstalling apps and reapplying settings. However, if you've got issues with your OS a fresh install is probably the best approach since it's likely some crap apps or kernel extensions that are causing the issue in the first place.

To answer your question though... I've done clean installs of Yosemite PB on both my nMP and Mini. I'll likely just do an upgrade to the final release of Yosemite on my work rMBP however when the time comes.
If you make money from your Apple, wait until after the first .1 update to Yosemite is released.

Here here.

Fingers here are still in swaddling covered in aloe Vera from the third degree burns caused by upgrading all ten iOS devices to the iOS 8 bugfest, I will definitely be waiting a little while!
If you make money from your Apple, wait until after the first .1 update to Yosemite is released.

If you make your money from Apple, you're probably safest running a whole operating system version behind. Creative applications are probably the most common applications to suffer serious issues when upgrading.

With that said, on my home computer, I usually just wait for the .1 or .2 update to jump ship. I've played around with PB1-3 on a separate boot disk but really don't intend to jump until everything's settled.

That said, I hope that because of the public betas, the .0 release will be smoother than it has been in the past (which, to be fair, is fairly smooth for the vast majority of people.)
I would wait until after the first wave of Apple diehards downloads it. I have the NMP too and everything I use is already Yosemite compatible. I primarily spend my time in Apple's apps, IDEs and VMs. VMware released a new version of Fusion for Yosemite. Xcode is compatible. And Eclipse and Netbeans can be run in my VMs if I discover Yosemite breaks them (most likely not). And Visual Studios lives in a VM anyway.
Keep Ma-ve-ricks. There is absolutely nothing thrillling about YoSeMiTe, apart from the outstanding regressions and new bugs.
May I ask how many of you folks that recommend the OP not upgrade to Yosemite, have any experience with Yosemite?

May I ask how many of you folks that recommend the OP not upgrade to Yosemite, have any experience with Yosemite?


I know I haven't said anything for or against, but I use Yosemite as the main OS on 2/3 of my regular machines. It works well, a few annoying cosmetic bugs, but aside from that I haven't had any crashes out of the ordinary.

Software compatibility is still what I would have to know to make a recommendation to OP. I think the older version of VMWare ran fine, but there is a new paid update intended for real Yosemite support. The parts of the Adobe suite I use run just fine. Java had a few issues installing (the installer had a bug on Sun's end), but things seem to be working better now.

The last beta was much more glitchy, but the GM seems to be running pretty well.
May I ask how many of you folks that recommend the OP not upgrade to Yosemite, have any experience with Yosemite?


Moi - An SSD in sled 4 running public beta. Seems relatively stable, but not enough for me to risk CS6 and my other apps that have gone Pete Tong before after an OSX upgrade, clients who will no doubt be calling saying "this app, that app is broke after Yosemite, help", I learnt that lesson of not damaging your primary workstation set-ups myself back I think in the Panther era :D

I will let a lot of others jump off the cliff before me so I know I have a safe landing :D
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