Yes, because we all have time to learn a programming language and develop an app if the selection sucks.
All I am saying is that you have the ability to download and learn the SDK. Maybe you could hire a developer if you have some wonderful world changing idea. If you can't afford a developer, then maybe you could team up and provide something of value like tech support for the developer. If you cannot provide any value, he would probably let you get him coffee or run his errands.
If you don't have time because you'd rather do other things, then people need to **** and stop whining all the time about the app selection.
I want apps too, but I also understand that there are limitations in the SDK. Griping is one thing, but putting your money were your mouth is works much better.
It will get better with time. Only 4000 developers were in beta, many others are writing apps. Only "crap" apps come over night, and that is why you see them first. Give it time, development time is directly related to the complexity of the application.
It is not beneficial to keep posting "all apps suck" without offering an idea of what app would not suck.