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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 17, 2008
curious. A buddy of mine at work has a awesome event reminder app but has yet to hear from apple.

Duke Leto

macrumors regular
Mar 17, 2008
So there's 25,000 people that applied and 4,000 accepted. That means that less than 1/6th that applied were accepted. I would say that most that applied were serious about programming something (I mean, its pretty expensive). So that leaves ~20,000 people that have something but are not accepted. There are also going to be cases (like me) where the developer needs to test on a real iPhone (for various hardware and software reasons), but cannot, so are waiting until they are accepted so that they can develop further.


macrumors G3
Jul 29, 2003
Silicon Valley
Mines been uploaded to the store, but is stuck at the "In Review" state. I might have finished it a day too late to make the App Store grand opening as one of the first 500. Drats.
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