Oversight..OP: Your poll options jumps from "less than an hour" to "2-3" hours. Was this an oversight or intentional?
FWIW I use mine for a little over an hour/day.
8 hours? I hope it has to do with your career.
Usually around two hours accumatively for me. Browsing, Twitterrific, Reeder, Flipboard, Instapaper, etc.
Yikes... People spend 8 hours on the iPad??? I don't even have one... I find it interesting to hear about the people who use these apple products on a constant basis and if they are actually more in tune with the world because of it or if they completely miss the specifics of life.
Well, I use it to read books, and that quickly racks up the hours. And then, there are the times when I use it to write/edit stuff for work during my commute. That's an hour or two of usage a day, but it's also time I used to waste staring out the train/bus window. My guess is people who use it more than 5 hours a day probably use it for both work and personal entertainment, and if you think about it that way, 8 hours isn't that excessive.
I just seem to use it in the evenings that I stay in when I'm on my sofa or in my bed. Love it.
I say 3-5