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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 26, 2010
Brighton, UK
Evangelists of Steve:

I just got my mother to buy an iPad to take over (most) responsibilities of her ageing PC. Granny was looking at it with suspicious levels of interest. I know my brother would love one. I sold my 32gig to my GF when I upgraded to 64.

So, how many sales have you made for the Cult of Apple? I'm on 3 so far.
just one for my wife and myself....but I would really like my own because I bought it as a gift for my wife so she always has dibbs.....which is annoying when you both want to sit out on the patio and read a book on it.

But with an iPod Touch and brand new MBP I really can't justify spending the money on another one.....
2 for myself, and 4 more this summer while on vacations with family and at LEAST 3 more coming. It's inevitable once someone uses it for a week.
Evangelists of Steve:

I just got my mother to buy an iPad to take over (most) responsibilities of her ageing PC. Granny was looking at it with suspicious levels of interest. I know my brother would love one. I sold my 32gig to my GF when I upgraded to 64.

So, how many sales have you made for the Cult of Apple? I'm on 3 so far.

You sold it your GF? I would have given it to her for free with certain stipulations... :D
Bought one for the wife so she could use it while she watched tv thus not needing to bother me at my iMac, DELL desk top, Dell XPS & Toshiba Satellite.

Of course when her iPad came in I had to have one too.

So, my final answer? 2 :rolleyes:
One for myself. My sister is obsessed with mine. She can't wait till her financial aid money comes in. My step mother isn't far behind either
We have two for now, maybe a couple of 3G's in the future and hand the WiFi models to our kids.

1 so far, but after getting back from a week long family reunion, it wouldn't surprise me if 2 or 3 relatives filed into an Apple store to pick one up.

Amazing how just sitting down and using one over the course of a few days changes peoples negative perceptions of the product.
Amazing how just sitting down and using one over the course of a few days changes peoples negative perceptions of the product.

Yes, I have found that to be so true. I've been taking mine to work and have converted two die-hard anti-apple folks. You can't argue with good design and ease of use. My 3&5 year olds have NO problems using either. I have two in house. When my kids are a bit older, I'll replace their shared laptop with one each.
Me 64gig 3g
Wife 16gig 3g
Son 64gig wifi

We also have 4 iphone

But all our pc's are window7
The extended family is now at 6--mine, my husband's, brother in law, sister in law, niece, and early next week, my mother in law gets hers. 3 wifi, 3 3G.

At the time of the announcement, I expected two--my husband and his brother. I never expected that three months after launch, we'd be at SIX. They've all become primary or heavily used secondary machines as well so far, not just toys. It's pretty amazing.

My father in law is the only holdout. We're interested to see how long that lasts! :D
One 16gb WiFi shared between wife and me. More than enough technology for the two of us, and no fighting over it so far. The thrifty approach.
Just me I'm afraid. However, I did manage to turn my entire family onto iPhone's, and my friends onto iPod Touch's. I'm sure the iPad will catch up eventually.

co-workers bought iPads after seeing and using mine. They're both nurses, and use their iPads for work (16 & 32 Wifi models), but definitely would not have considered iPads if they hadn't met mine :). I convinced another co-worker to purchase an iPod Touch, and another is considering a Touch as a birthday gift for her teenage son later this year.

Save for one co-worker, these women would not have bought Apple portable devices except for my influence.

I got one iPad myself. Although a friend had it first and thanks to him I purchased mine. That makes it 2, for now. Another friend is thinking of getting it as well.
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