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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 22, 2015
Or put another way, what was your smartphone history before iPhone?

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Never owned a Blackberry but since iPhone 3GS days I’ve tried many other platforms and ended up coming back to iPhone / iOS every time.
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macrumors 65816
May 16, 2011
Yes, I had many blackberry phones, but also had every iPhone since day 1. I kept bouncing back and forth until I gave up blackberry for good about 7-8 years ago.


macrumors 65816
Apr 29, 2015
I had a Samsung Blackjack II back in early 2008 - absolutely loved that thing. It was one of the coolest phones I owned (taking time period into account, anyway) and then it got stolen. I was super bummed, but I got an original iPhone after that happened and never looked back.


macrumors 68040
Jul 1, 2008
Bostonian exiled in SoCal
I had three Palm smartphones before I switched to the iPhone in 2008, when they added 3G. I couldn’t see myself going backwards to “2G,” so I made myself wait, even though I really wanted the original iPhone.

I’ve had pretty much every iPhone since, and I can’t wait for the X!


Oct 16, 2017
Jan 2008 - Nokia N82 (Symbian)
Nov 2008 - iPhone 2G (iOS)

Jun 2010 - iPhone 4

Aug 2011 - Pixi Plus (webOS)
Aug 2011 - BlackBerry Bold 9000 (BBOS)
Oct 2011 - Nexus One (Android)
Nov 2011 - Samsung Focus (WP)

Had maybe 30+ phones with 20+ smartphones. About 13 were Android. About 4 were iPhones. My favorite UI of all-time is webOS when I had a Pixi Plus.

Rank it -
webOS (fav UI)

I have always found BlackBerry overrated. I also type faster using SwiftKey than physical QWERTY which is why I was only mildly interested in the KeyOne even though I find it has the best design of this year. Loved the lighter color and materials used on the rear. Hate all the all-glass rears from S8, G6, to X.

KeyOne and Pixel 2 XL looks the best for me released this year with the matte finish I prefer. Favorite design last year was Huawei P9 Plus in white. Haven't been impressed by iPhone design since 2013. Always wanted to try QNX on BlackBerry Playbook and Meego on Nokia N9. Love gesture swipes. Glad Apple finally added it by copying webOS.


macrumors newbie
I have had many iPhones, currently have an iPhone 8 and a work issued Blackberry Classic on BB10. I’m sorry BB fans but that phone is dreadful. To be fair BB10 has one or two features that are business conveniences (ability to go into menus and monitor and control functionality that is very helpful). Apple could learn something here instead of following their constant quest for simplicity regardless of convenience. However those few small details aside, the BB Classic and BB10 OS is the most awkward, unreliable, slow phone I have ever used. Virtually everyone in the company prays that I.T. will see the light and give us iPhones but then we are all idiots and I.T. are geniuses... In the meantime, the BB’s lack of reliability is the favoured excuse for not receiving communications and having low productivity. No one questions it because everyone is used to the phones ‘just not working’.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Flip phones from 1999 to 2006, mainly Samsung/Sanyos.

2006-2009 was the Sanyo Katana.

2009-2012 was the HTC Touch Pro running Windows Mobile 6.1

2012 was my first iPhone bought for cellular use (iPhone 5).

Suckfest 9001

May 31, 2015
Jan 2008 - Nokia N82 (Symbian)
Nov 2008 - iPhone 2G (iOS)

Jun 2010 - iPhone 4

Aug 2011 - Pixi Plus (webOS)
Aug 2011 - BlackBerry Bold 9000 (BBOS)
Oct 2011 - Nexus One (Android)
Nov 2011 - Samsung Focus (WP)

Had maybe 30+ phones with 20+ smartphones. About 13 were Android. About 4 were iPhones. My favorite UI of all-time is webOS when I had a Pixi Plus.

Rank it -
webOS (fav UI)

I have always found BlackBerry overrated. I also type faster using SwiftKey than physical QWERTY which is why I was only mildly interested in the KeyOne even though I find it has the best design of this year. Loved the lighter color and materials used on the rear. Hate all the all-glass rears from S8, G6, to X.

KeyOne and Pixel 2 XL looks the best for me released this year with the matte finish I prefer. Favorite design last year was Huawei P9 Plus in white. Haven't been impressed by iPhone design since 2013. Always wanted to try QNX on BlackBerry Playbook and Meego on Nokia N9. Love gesture swipes. Glad Apple finally added it by copying webOS.
Rofl Samsung focus. Had that thing too. Was pretty neat and flashy for like 5 seconds until you realized the Marketplace was never going to be updated with apps that aren't garbage


macrumors 68020
Sep 24, 2014
First cell phone a Motorola Bag phone in 1993.

Then progressed thru Nokias, Blackberries, Androids, and finally iphones 4 years ago.
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Feb 1, 2015
years ago switched from a blackberry into the very first iPhone 6 Plus was stepping into the future


macrumors 603
Oct 23, 2014
Port Moody, BC, Canada
Pretty much a given there's likely thousands of former BB employees on here. :) But, yes, I know you mean consumers...not those that actually worked there. :p

Trying to not remember the analog bricks we used when I was in college.

I had a Palm Pilot (think I won it in some raffle) and Nokia phones in my last days at IBM ('99)...then had some uber-sexy star-tac dumb phones in Boston...then joined BB in 2004 (and they were kinda sticky about you only using a BB) - even though I had a 3Gs on my hip next to my corporate BB for a year and a half, trying to get a certain someone to get mad enough at me to pull his head out of his ass. But I digress. :)

Also had a 4s, 5s and now 6s (but pulling the trigger on an X on the 27th).
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macrumors regular
Aug 16, 2017
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
I use a BlackBerry DTEK60 (made by TCL) alongside my SE.

Prior to my DTEK60, I was using a BB Passport and before that at BB Z10 as personal devices. I moved to the BB10 OS from an iPhone 3GS, my first 'smartphone'. I've also had a number of BlackBerry devices for work.

I briefly used a LeEco Le 1S as a foray to Android. Thankfully I dropped it on the sidewalk and shattered the screen. Horrible phone.

The Passport remains my favourite device. Unique, outstanding build quality, unmatched for typing, and long battery life. Unfortunately it was ahead of its time. If BlackBerry were able to offer this with an Android OS, it would have sold well.

Best OS? BB10 - beyond a shadow of a doubt. So intuitive with no home screen button and swipe gestures. Too bad so few apps were offered and BlackBerry were so far behind its competitors in offering a modern smartphone.
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macrumors 601
Nov 5, 2007
I had the Blackberrry that looked like a pager and which you put a AA battery into it. Just a few lines of text to show you your work email, but it was a game changer. Had various blackberries before eventually getting the iPhone 4.

And I still use a Blackberry as my work phone. When I want to insure I'm disconnected from the office, I leave that phone at home. The KeyOne is an excellent phone though. And since I'm having that iPhone text keyboard bug, it is certainly working better now than my iPhone 6S.


Oct 16, 2017
My [global] phone brand history (chronological) -

Audiovox, 1999
Qualcomm, 2000
Nokia, 2001
Sony Ericsson, 2004
Sanyo, 2004
Motorola, 2004
Apple, 2008
Palm, 2011
RIM, 2011
Google, 2011
Samsung, 2011
HTC, 2013
LG, 2015
Microsoft (it's really Nokia), 2016
ASUS, 2016

Nexus One was never really called Google Nexus One but I will list Google for 2011. Nexus One was code named HTC Passion which looked like the Desire. It's not like Galaxy Nexus was ever called Google Galaxy Nexus. But their official phone branding didn't start until last year with Pixel.

My favorites -
Nokia (classic, pre-Elop/Microsoft years)
Motorola (classic, pre-Lenovo years)
LG (current favorite Android OEM)
HTC (former favorite Android OEM)
Sony (never owned Xperia but like Sony)
Apple (sometimes hot or cold)
Qualcomm (QCP-1960, I owned)
ASUS (hate them)

Bad experience with two ASUS products with lemon batteries that die within a day on idle and will never buy their crap again. Showed promise three years ago but I hate ASUS the same way I hate Sprint (check my post on the Essential Phone thread).

I like the BlackBerry KeyOne design but the SoC is too weak for that price. Had it come with Snapdragon 835, I would have got it with no hesitation. But I never understood the craze with RIM/BlackBerry a decade ago. I felt like it was the Danger/T-Mobile Sidekick for professionals. Overrated. Overpriced.

I do admire Kim Kardashian-West for being devoted to that BlackBerry Bold 9900 for half a decade similar to Donald Trump using a Samsung Galaxy S3. Gotta admire Kim's passion and loyalty to BlackBerry at least.

I love my LA Clippers since 1992 and I don't care if I get ridiculed for it or if I tell people I love my maligned LG G5 and Sony PS Vita. People laugh at LG all the time and ridicule the G4/V10 bootloops. Or crap on the G5's modular design (LG Friends) or Wall-E rear when it is criminally underrated as a smartphone. Don't listen to the haters.

Experience it yourself. Life's Good with Lucky Goldstar for me. They aren't perfect but nobody is.

True BlackBerry/physical QWERTY fangirl. Hope she got a KeyOne earlier this year.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 19, 2015
I went from a Blackberry Curve to an iPhone 4. Been with iPhone ever since and have had a 5S, a 6S and am now on an 8. ;)
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