one of the things i like about the Imac, is that you get everything for your computer from apple...
its not like with pc, where the monitor, computer, keyboard, mouse etc... everything came from different manufactureres.
I like that mac just fits.
However, I can personally say that I have a hard time adjusting to the Mighty Mouse. Its not very good at right clicking, and sometimes the scroll dont work really well...
its also very beautiful but its basic form seems like its not designed for human hands. its like a very soft stone, but its not comfortable to hold... its hard to get a good grip at...
im wondering how many DPI a mighty mouse has! Also... has the mighty mouse evolved over the years like the keyboards, or is MM is the same as it was when it came out?
another question... wireless keyboard and mouse, do they lose any precision or do they have response delays? and how long time before you have to exchange batteries(AA batteries I assume?)?