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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 2, 2007
how many of you have downgraded from 2.0 back to 1.1.4 and were successful???????

i sold my powerbook to buy a macbook pro, unfortunately i will have to use winpwn which i have never used to downgrade the firmware on the iphone i am buying.

i have used pwnge to unlock my previous iphone and it was so simple i am worried about winpwn and especially the downgrade i am going to h ave to preform..

any advice
i take it you tried again because i cant fail, otherwise i wont have a phone
i take it you tried again because i cant fail, otherwise i wont have a phone

I got stuck with a 1604 error myself. After a clean install of os x, clean install of 7.5, upgrade then down from 7.7 to 7.5, even tried to add a new account, I was still stuck with the 1604 error. I give up, I'll just wait for the devteam release.

Taken from another thread I posted on earlier. I also forgot to mention that I tried with an ATT sim, without a sim, with a Tmobile sim, and a different usb port. The only thing I didn't try was another mac or a windows machine.

Good Luck!
wow man sorry to hear all that. sounds like its something with the itunes 7.7.

anyway i am sure you dont have the awsner but i am sure you have been following the derv team closer then i. So do you have any idea on when they may release a new hack one that would help us both 2.0
yea i hope its soon problem is i dont have my mac right now so i wont be able to use it
I was able to do it today. My cousin wanted to sell his iPhone but he foolishly upgraded to 2.0 last friday. Of course its much more valuable unlocked, so I went through the process and it was pretty much straight forward. I first used my work computer that had iTunes 7.7, downgraded it to 7.5. I then got the 1015 after downgrading to 1.1.4. I then used PwnageTool on my macbook air to kick it out of recovery and installed bootneuter. After bootneuter flashed the baseband/bootloader I was able to do one more clean restore to 1.1.4 (no errors this time). Finally I used iLiberty+ for the simple jailbreak/unlock.

Everything actually went better than I thought? :) I was able to sell that iPhone this afternoon!

At least we have an idea that the 2.0 Pwnage is coming out any day now!
No service solution

Six days it took messing around to find this...

This is a simple version of several thousand million various attempts, cobbled together from some hundred or so posts, some bogus, some unreadable, in order to convince my iPhone that the sim card actually does work...

Being Irish, I would prefer to be out drinking than spending countless nights infront of my Mac.. Anyway here goes...

The downloads you will need are; (Download all of these to the desktop for your own sanity)
iTunes 7.5
Iphone 1.1.4 Firmware
iBrickr (This is windows ONLY)
Ziphone 3

Ok so you've downloaded all of these, lets get started...

1. Upgrade your iPhone to Version 2 software through iTunes as normal, and wait for the Sim locked message. You need to do this to normalise your iPhone again incase any previous messing around did anything nasty.

2. Uninstall iTunes if it is a higher version than 7.5 and install iTunes 7.5 (You need to do this to avoid the annoying Error 1604). Some of you may have a problem on the mac when downgrading to iTunes 7.5 (Library error). You need to go to finder click on /Users/Username/Music/iTunes you should see the "iTunes Library" file. MOVE it somewhere safe. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DELETE THIS FILE, if you do you will have to redo all your playlists etc, believe me I made this mistake (Thank God for Time Machine!!). iTunes 7.5 should launch away

3. Restore your iPhone to 1.1.4. Do this by docking your iPhone and hold down the Option key (Mac) or Shift key (PC) and click on restore. Point iTunes to the 1.1.4 firmware you downloaded earlier. Sit back and relax, you deserve a coffee.

4. Don't panic, you should get an "Error 10xx", usually 1015, this is ok. Take a sip of coffee, a deep breath and proceed.

5. Load up iBrickr, you will need a PC for this if you have a Mac or just fire up Parallels / VMWare. Luckily I had access to an old laptop. iBrickr should recognise your iPhone as being connected.

6. iBrickr (V0.91) has only two options, click the "Boot phone" button. The screen will turn red, this is normal, be patient it takes a couple of minutes to reboot.

7. You should now have have a 1.1.4 iPhone with a baseband from V2 (Who cares, its technical and we don't need to get into it here)

8. Run ZiPhone and use the "Do it all" option. Make another coffee, this takes 10 minutes or more.

9. You now have a jailbroken phone, with a "No Service" problem. Great.

10. Load up KiPhone. click on "iErase" (Mac) or "debug boot" and "Erase baseband" (PC). I HAD MORE SUCCESS WITH THE PC VERSION. The Mac version hung twice, it's your choice but for your own sanity maybe try the PC Version.

11. Enjoy, you should have full service back.

12. Dock with iTunes, it will ask you if you want to upgrade your iPhone, make sure to click the "Do not ask me again" button and click don't upgrade. Otherwise you will be back at square one.

13. Drink lots of beer, Apple you should be ashamed of yourselves, I wasted the majority of six days of my life to get this problem sorted. Pity-full. :mad::mad::mad:
I got stuck with a 1604 error myself. After a clean install of os x, clean install of 7.5, upgrade then down from 7.7 to 7.5, even tried to add a new account, I was still stuck with the 1604 error. I give up, I'll just wait for the devteam release.

Taken from another thread I posted on earlier. I also forgot to mention that I tried with an ATT sim, without a sim, with a Tmobile sim, and a different usb port. The only thing I didn't try was another mac or a windows machine.

Good Luck!

Have you tried trashing your 1.1.4 firmware and downloading a fresh copy. When I had my first iPhone my 1.1.4 got corrupted somehow and I couldn't restore. I only tried replacing it out of desperation but, once I got a fresh copy, it worked first time.
I didn't have any luck trying yesterday but from looking at hibernian56's steps - I missed iBrickr. I might give it another shot today at work if i have a chance.

hibernian56 - Thanks for your post, you've made it look really easy!!!!
Have you tried trashing your 1.1.4 firmware and downloading a fresh copy. When I had my first iPhone my 1.1.4 got corrupted somehow and I couldn't restore. I only tried replacing it out of desperation but, once I got a fresh copy, it worked first time.

after a fresh install of OS X I'd assume everything was thrashed. :D

It's not a big deal for me. I've been without an iPhone for over a month now, so I have no problem waiting a few extra days.
iTunes 7.7 -> 7.5 didn't work on me at all. Just wouldn't take.

There is another method where you stay with 7.7 and downgrade to the previous release of 2.0 (I guess the beta?) and then you downgrade to 1.1.4.

This got me so that I could at least get an error code, but it kept on being a 16x code. I used my 2nd PC (an old laptop thats now like 5 years old, but has aged gracefully) and that one was able to restore to a 1000 error, which works fine.

This all took me 2 days to figure out.

But I have T-Mobile. So another 3 days went into getting the baseband downgraded from 2.0 so I could unlock the iPhone.

All the tutorials and testimonials say "try a second or third time". I had almost given up. the patched ZiPhone worked on my baseband on like the 35th time.

Of course I tried to unlock the MyTzones internet yesterday and it put my iphone into an infinite boot loop :( But it's working again now
I did...but on Windows. I had to upgrade to 7.7 to get the 2.0 DFU drivers, downgrade to 7.5 and then downgrade to 1.1.4.
6. iBrickr (V0.91) has only two options, click the "Boot phone" button. The screen will turn red, this is normal, be patient it takes a couple of minutes to reboot.

I got this far and got a green screen, not red.. It said if you get a green screen that you should restore with iTunes, so thats what I'm trying (again).

EDIT: After doing the iTunes restore again, I got a red screen...

Third Edit: Removed second edit cause I was a doofus and didn't read the instructions all the way..

Anyway - it works! hibernian56's instructions are great!!!!
I want to downgrade my 1st gen iPhone to 1.1.4 and then possibly jailbreak it (I'm a legit AT&T customer, just sick of 2.0 locking up and not having MMS), but I'm nervous that I'll brick it. I may wait a few more days to see if the iPhone-Dev team comes through, it's just hard because I can't be without my phone, it is the only one I have.
I downgraded and it didn't work. This was my 4th attempt and I will just wait for the dev team to come through....
i was just going to follow iclarified and use boot neuter to re flash the baseband
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